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Billboards crumbling pedestrians passing Descendants

Source 2012-8-22 8:58:43 Qianjiangwanbao

  Yesterday, friends, "Iraqis baby girl" broke the news, Billboard Century Oriental Plaza, since the anemone over, has been tattered, some iron and fluorescent crumbling, causing a serious threat to passing pedestrians and vehicles.
  Yesterday afternoon, reporters rushed century Oriental Plaza found many billboards external packaging typhoon wind the reinforced, metal bare, exposed, some reinforced crumbling in the wind.
  This case, many of the surrounding residents and customers have complained, but there has been nobody, "Before my car is often parked at the side of the road, to the underground garage can only be stopped, afraid of the wind a work near the square, Mr. Chen said, large, iron, steel smashing down. "
  The reporter then contacted Square property, 宁波格尔登 Property Management Limited.
  Property staff said: "complaints from residents have been received, the current repair work in progress have repair program, construction workers are repairing as soon as possible." The reporter Ni Wang town

Great morning smoke mosquito plan has alerted fire officers and men

Source 2012-8-19 8:33:20 Ningbo, China
   Around 7:35 this morning, Jiangbei district Taoyuan suddenly moved into the two fire engines, the original alarm, said district No. 75, Room 303, "Fire".
  Correspondent accounts in Room 303, south-facing window to see a plume of thin white smoke wafting through the open window was estimated to be home in the burn something forgot to turn off the fire, "fire" should not be too much.
  When the firemen went upstairs and found the 303-room door closed. Door neighbors said the homeowner may be to date Lake. To avoid breaking the unnecessary loss of property, responsible for directing the firemen immediately intercom call liaison households, when the two firefighters toting fire extinguishers have been vigilant, ready for action.
  Just when everyone was nervously waiting for about five minutes, wearing a hat, tight protection of the aunt hurriedly ran upstairs to again and again, ran an apology: "Sorry, sorry, alerted everyone!" Her side said open side door, when the presence of the smell of an wormwood taste.
  Turned out to be smoked mosquitoes.
  "I think the daytime mosquito smoked a smoke, so the open window, so that the mosquitoes ran out unexpectedly alerted everyone, so frightened, I'm really sorry!" She was very embarrassed, and said that sound at home with door neighbor smoked the mosquitoes would not have such a thing.
  Opinion, smoked mosquito is the effect not the.

11 categories of food supplies in the city "physical" focus on examination of food additives

Source 2012-8-20 10:30:05
  Yesterday, reporters learned from the Ningbo Municipal Bureau of Quality Supervision, it will focus on remediation of 11 categories of products, including dairy products, preserved fruits, meat, spices, edible oil, honey and its products, vegetables, dried products and edible mushrooms, alcohol, food additives, food plastic packaging containers tools and other products.
  Before the end of this month, the quality supervision department will Ningbo City 1253 food additives, food related materials production enterprises, general manager or the main person in charge to conduct interviews. Interviews of the focus will be companies illegally added melamine, the industrial gelatin, candied abuse of the behavior of the coloring agents, sweeteners, preservatives and food additives.

Ningbo, a brand-new public service model

Source 2012-8-20 10:31:51
Each came to
public Q: If I kept out of one store to donate a dollar , it will donate more?

As long as the customer through the door, the mall will donate a dollar to the public fund
  Store door installed a flow meter, as long as people go into the red light on the instrument will be bright look.
  This is not a business to do research, but the Ningbo City public service to promote the stores tailored to a charity project. The red lights flash once, on behalf of the store will donate a dollar to Ningbo poor students. The money is used to set up a platform for the docking platform for poor students and between enterprises. □ correspondent reporter Pan Huimin photography Chen Mei Zhang Peijian
  Store door to become a "public service door
  "When you accidentally walk into Dixon Babel a headquarters and Tianyi flagship store, the injection of 1 yuan for Ningbo, 000 college students to help the working poor and needy action."
  Yesterday, reporter the Tianyi headquarters in Dixon to see such a sign. The staff said that from August 1, stores in the of Tianyi headquarters and Tianyi flagship store install a flow meter. As long as the public into the Dixon through the red light on the flow meter will flash. This means the stores will be on behalf of the public to donate a dollar.
  Inadvertently come here shopping public Xiao Wu to see, it is also surprised and excited. He said, I realize I can not spend money on doing good, how much access to several means to donate more?
  This reporter doubt consultation to the staff, the answer is not the case. To make this project sustainable development, the store decided to control the daily flow of up to 1000. From August 1 to August 17, the two stores in the flow of people has reached 29,084 people. The preliminary estimate of the year donation amount of $ 300,000.
  To solve practical difficulties for poor students

Read more: Ningbo, a brand-new public service model

The nursing home is hard for the care workers is difficult to recruit hard to stay

Source 2012-8-20 9:16:01 modern gold was quoted at
  The flow rate is low, at least hundreds of people waiting in line to each nursing home care workers do not expand the team, the elderly may be unattended

Wen the Yushun Fu profit hospital, a number of old people sitting on the wall to rest reporter Ding Jie photo
  Summer the city is noisy, the hustle and bustle. Have passed the beginning of autumn, but the heat wave is still rolling strikes. But this is all old people living in Ningbo, Wen Yu Shunfu profit hospital does not seem to associate - their world is always so peaceful and quiet, Wu grandmother holding a fan, sitting in air-conditioned room slowly Shanghai Triad ... ...
  A worrying situation is: pension Bedspace tension, and even the empty beds of the private pension institutions, family support issues and many. Live does not enter, where to live, is becoming an urban elderly pension heart disease.
  Last week, the reporter visited the social welfare center in Ningbo City, Ningbo Wen Yu Shunfu profit hospital two-run nursing home. Interviews and exchanges, the reporter learned that Ningbo is trying to find his own way to alleviate the pension dilemma.
  □ reporter Pan Huimin Zhang Ping
  Status quo
  An elderly person living outside the park not enter

Read more: The nursing home is hard for the care...


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