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The Super Typhoon Bolaven "affect the city today

Source 2012-8-27 8:43:25 Southeast Business

  Super Typhoon Bolaven approaching front is expected this afternoon to evening shift in the city's coastal waters to go northward. Municipal Meteorological Observatory yesterday released off the coast known as super typhoon alert, with special attention to the strong winds may occur in the coastal areas and the coast.
  Reporter Dan Chengcheng
  As of 14:00 yesterday,, Super Typhoon Bolaven "Centre has located about 800 km of the city coastal southeast direction over the ocean, the central pressure of 935 hPa, maximum wind near the center 16 (52 m / sec), seven the laps wind of 400 km, 10 laps wind of 180 km. Expected Bolaven will continue to move northwest at a speed of 15 to 20 kilometers per hour. Due Bolaven may go through the waters of the sea temperature more than 28 ℃, superior environmental thermal conditions likely to continue to enhance its strength. Municipal Meteorological Observatory predicted Bolaven maximum possible in the afternoon to the evening before and after the shift in the city's coastal waters northward.

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Crazy male to female prostitution wretched

Source 2012-8-26 10:11:18 Modern Gold Report The lingering shadow matchmaking cheat, a man of Yuyao women have extreme ideas, hate women and to women in prostitution retaliation. The day before yesterday, Yuyao Procuratorate that the suspect Yang Gang (a pseudonym) on suspicion of robbery prosecution.
45-year-old Yang Gang, has been convicted of theft, sentenced to 8 months, released from prison, did not find a good job, odd jobs barely degree days in August 2008. In earlier years, his wife divorced him. Yang Gang hope to have a marriage again, he found a dating agency help. The dating agency quickly helped him to identify a woman, I did not expect, the Yang Gang accompany his girlfriend to dinner shopping, but in the end found that the other party is Huntuo.
For experience this is Huntuo deceive, Yang Gang has a grudge, he always kind of want the idea of the whole woman. Xitou Fang prostitution of women, generally a person a better robbery. "Yang Gang thinking, immediately went to the Pro Town on the supermarket to buy a fruit knife. Late January this year, just the Spring Festival, the first month of the first two days, three days, Yang Gang are out to find the prostitution of women, did not find. About the fifth day of the first month at 8:00 pm, he was riding a motorcycle to Huangjiabu see the edge of a high Hashimura State Road Xi Toufang open door, a costume voluptuous woman beckoned him in the past.
Yang Gang cycling in the past, to promote the car Xitou Fang. Woman immediately volumes outside the gate one way or another, and greeted him to the edge of the small room. In turn rain cloud cover, the Yang Gang took the opportunity to pull out the prior fruit knife strapped to the arm, the woman meal scarification. Continuous Jidao down, thin fruit knife distorted. Woman screaming for help, when the husband and son of the woman in the back room heard, immediately rush over to Yang Gang Pushed to the corner of the room. After receiving the alarm, the local police soon arrived on the scene, Yang Gang arrested. Afterwards identified the woman body multiple minor injuries, facial seriously injured. Reporter correspondent Li Ping Wah micro Jane

Mengniu tampering with the manager of the production date XingJu

2012-8-23 9:10:03 sources Beijing News

Mengniu president of Sun Yiping.
  Beijing News Yesterday, Mengniu Dairy is located in Baoding, Hebei, Wangdu County, Hengshui City, Wuqiang County opened two new factories at the same time. COFCO chairman Ning, and this year, the newly appointed president of Mengniu Sun Yiping all showed up to attend. Sun Yiping said Mengniu recent ongoing reflection of the core values of regression, firmly believe that through the unremitting action and change will eventually regain accreditation.
  Ongoing reflection and action
  Yesterday, Mengniu Baoding, and Hengshui put into the new plant, announced the open of the the Mengniu industrial layout adjustment.
  Sun Yiping said in yesterday's opening speech: "During this period, the entire dairy industry, including the development of Mengniu is not flat period we continued reflection and action as the core values of regression and we firmly believe that by step by step, persistent action and change, will be a step-by-step elimination of all questioned, and ultimately we will regain the recognition. "
  "The establishment of the two bases, reflecting confidence in Mengniu for the development of the dairy market, Mengniu should actively committed to social responsibility, to promote China's dairy industry is constantly forward, driven by modern agriculture, rural economic development of modern animal husbandry." To attend the opening ceremony COFCO chairman Ning said.
  The commissioning of the new factory in Baoding, Hengshui, announced the open of the the Mengniu industrial layout adjustment.
  To restart milk powder business
  Sun Yiping said in an interview with reporters, Mengniu will be concentrated in the second half of the year on the development of short-board products, to restart milk powder business.

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Woman climbed up a high-voltage tower want to commit suicide

Source 2012-8-26 9:59:05 modern gold was quoted at 12:00 yesterday, Zhangting, Yuyao half Ao village a woman after a quarrel with her husband climbed the high-voltage tower For commit suicide. Fortunately, fire officers and police officers arrived in time and rescued the woman.
At noon, the villagers who came from the mountain side of the road looked up and saw a high-voltage tower on the hillside, a middle-aged woman sitting on the shelf, seemingly, was very emotional body from time to time to make dangerous moves forward lean , shouting his mouth: "either divorce or a suicide." high-voltage tower surrounded by a high-voltage lines, at any time the risk of electric shock. The villagers immediately called the police.
Fire officers and police officers rushed to the scene, the woman see more than one person seems to be more excited. At this time, the fire brigade quickly contact powered Bureau will power cut off to avoid an electric shock accident. Scene to understand that the woman surnamed Liu, Guizhou, a few years ago with her husband came to Yuyao work, home, there is a ten-year old child. Before the incident because of household chores, the couple had a heated quarrel. Ms. Liu find life boring, they climbed the high-voltage tower For commit suicide.
Learning of the basic situation, the rescue workers while patiently persuade the woman, while immediately called the woman's relatives to help persuade. Deadlocked for more than one hours, the emotions of the woman gradually calm down. Fire officers and soldiers took the opportunity to climb the high pressure column, safely rescued.
Afterwards the police further learned that the main reason causing this farce, Ms. Liu often at home, husband looked very dissatisfied, so beat the wife. Ms. Liu spur of the moment, and have given rise to the idea of suicide.
The reporter correspondent FEDERATION Li Wah micro Jane

Bolaven affect the city close next Monday before and after. double typhoon Dancing

Source 2012-8-23 9:08:28 Ningbo Evening News
The double typhoon Dancing, Ningbo year and next cooling and rainfall

8:00 last night, the weather typhoon announced "the Bolaven latest trip.
  5:00 yesterday evening, the municipal meteorological observatory update the tropical cyclone, weak cold air and "Libra" peripheral circulation formed typhoon inverted trough, the city today with showers, rainfall of up to moderate coastal sea wind will increase to 6-8 level, the southern coast of the sea in some places may gust 9. Typhoon Bolaven next Monday will close around the impact of Yongcheng.
  Typhoon and weak cold air affect the city
  It is understood that, the 14th typhoon this year, "Libra" at 17:00 yesterday Oluanpi East northerly direction of Taiwan Province, about 360 kilometers northwest Pacific ocean, is 22.6 degrees north latitude, 124.3 degrees east longitude, near the center of 13 (40 m / s) wind, a minimum central pressure of 960 hPa.
  Expected, "Libra" will be the speed of about 10 kilometers per hour towards the west, gradually closer to Taiwan's southeastern coastal area, the strength will be enhanced. May be landed at 23 at night to 24 during the day or grazed coastal area of southeastern Taiwan, after or spin along the Bashi Channel.
  According to the Municipal Meteorological Observatory forecast the city after the 23rd showers, moderate rainfall, the eastern coastal areas of heavy rainfall. 25, 2009, with the weakening of the influence of "Libra" Typhoon No. 15 this year, "Bolaven not closer to the city easterly airstream, mainly cloudy, sometimes somewhat showers. Today and tomorrow the city's highest temperature below 30 ℃, 25, recovered slightly to 31 ℃.
  Bolaven "next Monday before and after the close influence Yongcheng
  "Libra," a dance another typhoon in the Pacific, Typhoon No. 15 this year Bolaven. Yesterday 17:00 Bolaven in Xiangshan County, about 1960 km south of the Pacific Northwest over the ocean, is 19.6 degrees north latitude and 137.9 degrees east longitude, the wind near the center 13 (38 m / s) The minimum central pressure of 965 hPa.
  Central Meteorological Observatory, Bolaven westward moving at 15-20 km per hour speed, strength is expected to continue to strengthen our coastal waters today and tomorrow impact.
  Municipal Meteorological Station chief forecaster Qian Yan Zhen told reporters that strong the Bolaven "strength, bigger in size, despite the temporary no effect on China's coastal waters, but its power should not be underestimated, the municipal meteorological observatory is closely watching their movements. Expected around next Monday, will affect close to the city.
  The Double Typhoon Bolaven path forecast
  In view of the northwest Pacific subtropical atmospheric circulation situation is complex, the giant "Bolaven strong rise," Libra "distance shortened double typhoon role gradually bring, especially to the forecast of the future path of Bolaven difficult . It is understood that the double typhoon effect may cause the the two typhoons mutual spin, mutexes, merger, leading forecasting difficult. This phenomenon is a Japanese meteorologist Dr. Fujiwara in 1923, first in the flow experiments observed, it is also known as Fujiwara phenomenon.
  But yesterday, the Internet rumors of a group ECMWF forecast released at 3:00 yesterday, to said The Bolaven "future will become a central wind speed of 67 m / s Super Typhoon (17), about the 28th The typhoon center will bear rub Zhoushan northward elapsed eastern Shanghai, the local may encounter typhoon eye, after the Shanghai Centre wind speed more than 17. Qian Yan Zhen said that the current forecast for the Bolaven "landing point, there is a big variable, the information released by the major forecast station is only a short-term forecast. Reporters also learned that there has been a change in forecast released yesterday evening by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, is expected to Typhoon Bolaven or rub tight Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai coast northward, or visit the East China area. Also invited members of the public concerned about the latest weather forecast information in a timely manner.


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