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Ningbo held for the first time to the business jet experience activities

Source 2012-8-27 10:48:50 Ningbo Evening News

Pictured Ningbo people visit experience within the business jet.
  Many people only see in movies or television and high-end people ride the the business jet convenient travel scene. Whether true business jet Sha Yangzi? On the 25th of this month, four from different countries of the world's top business jet flew to Ningbo Lishe International Airport, held in Ningbo, the first top-level business jet the Appreciation experience activities, so a lot of Ningbo public feast for the eyes.
  A nearly private enterprises owners boarding visit
  It is understood that the four executive jets direct flights from Beijing, Shanghai and other places to Ningbo Airport, including the Legacy 650 from Brazil, from Airbus ACG319 from France's Dassault 7X, Gulfstream from the United States 5500. Addition to four of the world's top business jet, to participate in the activities of the business jet Appreciation experience there are a number of business jet captain, flight attendants from around the world. Invited object, as the focus of the activities of nearly 100 local private business owners fortunate enough to board these are show business jet.
  Since boarding visit lasts for a few days in advance registration arrangements, in the interview, the reporter was unable to personally enter the business jet cabin. However, it was invited to participate in the activities of a software company, Mr. Cheng briefed reporters, business jet seats in the 8-28 range, cabin facilities called luxury, computer, fax machine, telephone, Internet, copier everything, video displays, and conferencing equipment, passengers whether it is for business or to enjoy the entertainment can be handy. "It's like back luxury offices and entertainment small world of its own ground., Extremely casual and comfortable." Mr. Cheng said.
  Reporter noted that four of the world's top business jet together to Ningbo guests, also attracted a lot of guests through the Ningbo Airport curious.

The scenic wading project all closed

Source 2012-8-27 9:05:00 Modern Gold Report
  Focus stagnant water area specifically responsible for
  , "The Bolaven" Typhoon forward near the East China Sea, "Libra" Typhoon is near Tainan spin, Ningbo, all localities and departments in positive action defense work.
  As of 10:00 yesterday, Ningbo all 6,060 fishing boats back to harbor. All water construction work has been stopped, and all construction vessels operating pulled to safety waters sheltered, Xiangshan to island passenger ferry services have been suspended. Large oil tankers have been suspended at 16 o'clock on the 25th, large ore boats into port. Large oil tankers, large ore boats leave before 18:00 yesterday.
  Notice has 142 shipping companies to pay close attention to the transport ship into port sheltered requirements Xiangshan Port Bridge The Daxie Bridge and vessels operating in time to stop the operation to enter the harbor sheltered.
  Wading projects in coastal tourist areas (spots) 10:00 yesterday, all closed to prevent traveling by car until the island, beach, mountain tourism.
  Localities should prepare for a possible stranded tourists, migrant workers relocated work to ensure the personal safety of visitors and employees. Various tourist-star hotel to hotel outdoor advertising light box signs a check, there are no conditions for reinforcement to be removed.
  Ningbo urban management department to clear the conservation of rain sewage pipe network and rainwater exports further, dispatched drainage inspection staff of 200 people, to inspect the low-lying, easy to water more than 30 locations, urban drainage facilities intact.
  Has organized emergency rescue teams and supplies equipment reserve than 4,900 rescue personnel organized and carried out hundreds of urban waterlogging the strong emission teams and emergency rescue teams and designated responsible for the implementation of staff in key stagnant water area.
  According to the Ningbo Shi Fangzhi analysis, defense Bolaven "and" Libra "Typhoon not be taken lightly, there are several unfavorable factors: the large and medium-sized reservoir water level is relatively high, the mountain soil moisture becomes saturated, rainfall or heavy rainfall is apt to cause small watershed in mountain torrents geological disasters; subject to the "anemones" destruction, many of the damaged works have not been fully restored, defense capability has not been restored; currently in the peak tourist season, and teachers and students back to school period, the more prominent security issues; "Libra" northward, may impact again in 30-31 Ningbo, and then a time when the astronomical high tide, the storm surge will be relatively large.

The Bolaven or northward in Ningbo offshore

Source 2012-8-27 9:03:48 Modern Gold Report
  "Libra" on the 29th may affect Ningbo
  Typhoon No. 15 this year, "Bolaven from generation to form a typhoon is only a short period of two and a half days, precisely because it particularly fast pace of development, and ferocious, has been a concern. In the Typhoon the briefing yesterday afternoon, Zhejiang Meteorological Observatory, deputy director of F, Mau Park Bolaven the latest trends: the biggest future could be in the middle of the Zhoushan Islands and the Ryukyu Islands waters around Zhejiang northward, landing Zhejiang unlikely.
  F, Mau Park, The Bolaven "characteristics is particularly fast pace of development, generated in the ocean on 20 August 21, 2009, to become a strong tropical storm, grown to 22 typhoons, after, in the 24th, to strengthen the strong The typhoon, the 25th turned super typhoon. According to the latest monitoring of the provincial meteorological observatory, yesterday 14:00 Bolaven located in Xiangshan ESE direction, about 800 km northwest Pacific ocean, maximum wind near the center 16 (52 m / s), central pressure 935 hPa .
  Before, a lot of people have been predicting Bolaven may landing area in the north of Zhejiang, Shanghai, and would have caused a great deal of Zhejiang coastal However, this concern may temporarily put a put. Floor said: Shigeru Park, expected its future will continue to move northwest about 15 kilometers per hour speed, strength will be slightly strengthened, and the East China Sea will be held on the 26th night, the next largest possible shift in the central and northern coastal waters of Zhejiang go northward . "
  Meteorological Station chief forecaster Ningbo Dongxing Yan said, the Bolaven "to go through next waters temperature more than 28 ° C. That is to say, "Bolaven" superior environmental thermal conditions will continue to absorb capacity, enhanced strength may continue. It is predicted that the Bolaven maximum possible in the afternoon to the evening shift in the near Ningbo offshore (about 125 degrees east longitude) northward.
  And "Libra" strengthen undergone three secondary weakened strength or "Typhoon". People did not expect it called "Parthian shot". "Libra" is expected in the northeastern part of the South China Sea sea cyclotron spin today might again close to the southern part of Taiwan. 29 to 31 days, "Libra" may northward impact Ningbo.

Part of the waterway passenger Zuoqi suspended

Source 2012-8-27 9:04:07 Modern Gold Report
  Today out of the flights affected
  Last night, the off the coast of Ningbo wind of 8-10 grade today will be enhanced to 11-13. Affected by the typhoon, the Ningbo port and shipping sector has to be implemented on some routes suspended.
  As of press time reporter, Guo Ju - peach stop guoju - Liuheng guoju - Xiazhi Daxie - Zhoushan Putuo, Shipu - Yushan, Shipu - Tan Head Mountain, Songlanshan - Once Kadoyama, Shipu roundabout travel , the Shipu the - Crane Pu ro, Nishizawa - Yokoyama Qidu Shipu - Yushan, Zhenhai - Shengsi, Zhenhai - big giant, Zhenhai - big giant - Shengsi etc. route has been suspended. Zhenhai Jiulong Lake, East Lake Lake within the passenger river trade routes is expected today suspended. The port and shipping sector, when the above routes recovery, depending on wind conditions.
  Civil aviation, the possibility is very great today affected flights taking off and landing at the airport and not be able to take off and land. Passenger air travel in the next two days to pay attention to the weather change at any time, to the airport before calling the airport or airline customer service to confirm the flight-specific information.
  As of yesterday afternoon, the rail and road issue related outage message yet.

No news that Harbin start the administrative accountability bridge collapse accident

Source 2012-8-27 8:52:55 Xinhua
  Harbin, Xinhua, August 26 who repair, how to collapse, ye accountability? Harbin bridge accident in three days, Internet users, the public sustained attention to the above three questions, and look forward to the parties concerned "to say.
  5 pm, on the 24th Harbin City Third Ring the viaduct the Honghu road bridge ramp Office (3.5 km) away from Yangming Beach Bridge, steel-concrete composite beam sliding 4 truck rollover, killing three people, and five people were injured.
  The price of blood, so that the public urgently want to know, who is the bridge design, construction and supervision units, whether they have the appropriate qualifications?
  The parties concerned the first time, this does not have a clear view. On the day of the incident, the media exposed the Harbin Municipal Construction Committee, someone said Bridge Construction Headquarters, dissolution, construction units can not be found ", a time of public outcry, the Internet is a criticism.
  For Internet users questioned, Harbin City, the 25th held a press release to respond, "the matter does not exist." Relevant responsible person said, the Municipal Construction Committee in accordance with the procedures of the deal with the accident, the design units, construction units, supervision units and other relevant information submitted to the accident investigation team. Determined pending the accident investigation results will be more than a list to public.
  Since declaring that "does not exist", but not the published list, the public questioning it is difficult to quell. Netizens "dream floating lonely sea, design, construction and supervision units also became a confidential unit? Internet users, "737173631" said the out such a major accident, the published list is also timely to announce, I really do not understand.
  The reporter interviewed several people of Harbin, they said, the parties know that the authorities know, you people do not know, these units "incognito" for what purpose? Departments and accidents involving units should be willing to assume responsibility.
  The accident investigation will take time, the public can understand. But the incident three days twice a news conference, made a lot of people wondering, the cause of the accident is complicated and confusing.
  Relations of the accident bridges Yangming Beach Bridge, the 24th Harbin Municipal Construction Committee, deputy director of Sun Qingde has said, the ease engineering works for the connection of Yangming Beach Bridge accident.
  In a news conference on the 25th, Huang Yusheng the accident called "Qunli Third Ring the viaduct the Honghu road bridge separate ramp skidding accidents. He said: "The accident site is located in the central south of the bridge overall Honghu Road, uplink turns on cross-bridge, 121 meters long and the project is an independent construction projects belonging to two engineering construction projects and Yangming Beach Bridge."
  After the first news conference after the incident of the cause of the accident, the city government Secretary-General Huang Yusheng said: "I look at the scene should be said that overloading may involve serious overload, because it is more complex and requires a period of time can not be concluded immediately. "

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