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The wife crazy cosmetic husband sue for divorce

Source 2012-8-30 10:00:03 Southeast Business
  Recently, a couple in Jiangbei court fight divorce lawsuit bizarre reason: the man said he could no longer tolerate his wife almost paranoid beauty complex and endless cosmetic plan.
  Both husband and wife are both 30 years old, the woman looks significantly younger and much more.
  The man said, three years ago, they fell in love, the woman is crazy and the beauty of the people, she cut through the double-fold, padded nose, smoked fat did photorejuvenation. Married is getting worse every day after work basically soak in the beauty salon, not to lose weight is to do face, the annual card one by one to do.
  He became even more intolerable to home for her beauty plan, there is no savings, even a house or rent. She also brewing go to Korea Bonereaver, he really can not afford.
  Accusations of the man, the woman felt wronged. "The woman makes herself by volume, I did everything for him." The woman said they had just met, the man said, like a pretty girl, she would leave no stone unturned to become beautiful, cosmetic tasted the bitterness more never mind, and to maintain the natural beauty of a price to pay. Her day go to a beauty salon to feel strange, and sometimes also can not control yourself. In this regard, the man not only inconsiderate, but blame her overspend blind tinker unreasonable.
  Man listening to Lianhu wronged. He said men like beautiful women by nature, but then the United States looks to have old day, to live well is important. Woman so wholeheartedly in the cosmetic and beauty, he did feel less than warmth.
  The judge listened to both explain and feel the feelings of the two is actually not broken, so do ideological work to both sides. The woman said, she would have to do these are aimed at the man, since he does not like, she assured control overhead, South Korea temporarily not to go. The man claimed that, if the woman is no longer addicted to plastic surgery, casually spend money, marriage or sustain.
  Recently, the judge that they are not allowed to divorce.
  The Reporter correspondent Hussam Zhu Ge Ning

Next week with smart phones can go to the hospital

Source 2012-8-30 9:10:52 Metro Express
Tianyi Square and other places next month self-charging

  September 7, 2012 China (Ningbo) Smart City Technology and Application Products Expo opened in Ningbo International Convention and Exhibition Centre. After two years of construction, the application of "smart city of Ningbo, will debut here.
  Yesterday afternoon, we see that in the application of the results of the wisdom of Ningbo Urban Construction showroom applications gradually use more than 30 programs.
  Smartphone linked to the First Hospital of Ningbo No.
  Smartphone APP registration can be done before next weekend.
  Ningbo now online registration, to be logged Ningbo medical information public service platform ( above the department of Ningbo hospital, doctors, Zuozhen time registration fee breakdown of medical fees The number of open chant and the remaining number of chant, are listed clearly.
  Appointment registration service platform is used in the real-name system appointment registration, the real-name system registered after appointment.
  Confirm reservation information, you can select the "pay" or "SMS online banking payment, this platform, any network in the three networks can" SMS payment, online banking payment only provide "CCB online banking payment . Next, go to the hospital as a reservation SMS reservation phone number, ID card (children to take account of this), and make an appointment card for registration, and attendance confirmation to the self-service the registered machines or registered window, you can go directly to the department waiting for calling.
  Using this program, you can, as in a computer online registration, can also query images clinics results according to their the clinics number and password, "This program has been declared to audit, Tomohiro before the policies and regulations of the

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Smart sales terminals to be launched

ith smart logistics, smart medical service, smart urban management and smart home system, smart city construction has brought great changes to Ningbo. As an important aspect of smart city construction, smart sales terminals have been put on the agenda. A few days ago, in the saloon themed "unveiling the future @ smart terminal sales", a theme activity of the year-round exhibition on smart city construction achievements, co-sponsored by Ningbo Leading Group Office of Smart City Construction and Ningbo Branch of China Unicom, many enterprises showed great interest in the forthcoming smart sales terminals. It is expected that the sales personnel can report such data as the daily sales volume by sending videos or pictures through a 3G mobile phone with the smart sales terminal system.

As for those garment enterprises in Ningbo, the smart terminal sales program can report sales statistics as well as the demand information so that the enterprises can have a better understanding of the market. While as for the home appliance enterprises, the program can effectively solve the conflict between production and inventory and thus revitalize the whole production process.

Think-tank forms to help companies to go public

Ningbo Securities Regulation Commission issued letters of appointment to 15 experts from Shanghai Stock Exchange and Shenzhen Stock Exchange and so on and set up a think tank, which is an expert advisory panel, to provide consultation and training services on how to get listed to Ningbo enterprises.

Ningbo enterprises have speeded up their paces for listing since the restart of the IPO. Relative department released yesterday that the listed companies of Cixi had increased to 42 from the originally 28 before the restart of the IPO. Last year, listed companies of A-shares made great breakthroughs in seeking financing directly, for they have raised as much fund as 5.6 bln yuan.

The first training program was held in Yinzhou Yesterday. The panel gave lectures and provided consultation services to 50 companies and 16 county-level governmental officials. Many company workers said that shortage of listing policies and assets evaluation were the major problems for companies to restructure and get listed.

"Our company hasn't begun the process of restructuring and listing, and the biggest obstacle is assets evaluation", said the representative of Huayuan Fibreglass-reinforced plastic Co. Ltd, who came to thistraining for more knowledge on assets evaluation. A relative worker from a listed company also complaint that the lack of information on listing policies had caused them many obstacles while his company was prepared to be listed.

"In the process of listing, enterprises will come across a series of problems including governmental policies, assets evaluation and also problems relating to laws. The panel can help companies to deal with these problems. And it is also in accordance with the needs of the development of Ningbo's capital market", said an official from Ningbo Securities Regulation Commission.

It is learned the members of the panel are all experts from stock exchanges, accounting firms, law firms and assets evaluation institutions.

Yet how could Ningbo companies to get the help from the panel.

"We will release the contact information of all the panel members to the Finance Affairs offices of every county and town, so enterprises could get in touch with the experts directly", said a staff member of the panel.

16th International Fashion Fair to be held

It is learned from Ningbo Municipal Commission of Economy and Information Technology on August 20 that from October 25 to 28, the 16th Ningbo International Fashion Fair will be held in Ningbo International Convention & Exhibition Center.

There will be six exhibition halls, including Men's Wear Pavilion, Women's Wear Pavilion, Kids' Wear Area, OEM Processing Area, Brand Sales Area, Textile & Garment Machinery Pavilion, Brand Franchising Area, Fashion Show Area and Creative Exhibition Area for Textile & Fabrics Trend. The local brands and enterprises will take up 50% of the 2000 booths, with 25% for other Chinese brands and enterprises and another 25% for international brands. 8500 professional purchasers from home and abroad, including 100 major trade groups, are invited to the exhibition.

This year's fair will release the Fall/Winter China Textile & Fabrics Trend (2013/2014), carry out the static fashion show and hold special fashion shows for domestic rising-star designers. As usual, there will also be the Apparel Dealers' Congress, the E-commerce Docking Meeting and the Global Sourcing Fair. Some kids' wear enterprises from Zhili Town of Huzhou, Wenzhou Garment Chamber of Commerce and some textile machinery enterprises from Taizhou will attend the exhibition. South Korean enterprises have reserved 20 booths for exhibition and booked three fashion shows. Some overseas exhibitors including the high-quality bespoken suit enterprises from the Savile Row (the UK) and some American designers will also take part in the fair.


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