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Parking charges new standard implementation tomorrow

Source 2012-8-31 8:39:38 Southeast Business
  Within half an hour of the airport, the train station parking free metered parking within 15 minutes of free
Reporter learned yesterday from the Municipal Price Bureau parking fee charges Haishu, Jiangdong, Jiangbei and high-tech zones and other places, from September 1, there will be a major adjustment, central area parking standards appropriate to reduce the non-central region and night parking standards. In addition, urban road parking with 15 minutes of free parking time, airport, railway station and other ancillary parking free time is also extended to half an hour.
  Road metered parking free of charge within 15 minutes
  Many riders have had this experience, and errands when the car stopped at the side of the road for a few minutes, still have to charge parking fees. September 1, so the situation will improve. Municipal Price Bureau, Urban Management Bureau, Public Security Bureau recently jointly issued a document to regulate the parking of motor vehicles in our city, the parking new regulations to improve the parking incentives. Such as airports, railway stations, part tour attractions supporting free parking time from 15-20 minutes unified extended to 30 minutes; additional urban road parking free parking time of 15 minutes; a matching car park with a monopoly such as Tianyi Square Free parking time of 30 minutes; the public (gain) units or supporting Parking Free parking time of 60 minutes.
  The new standard also provides the motor vehicle parking management in government pricing, actual motor vehicle parking mantissa time of not more than 15 minutes, the the Excluding parking mantissa time; the actual parking mantissa time over 15 minutes, parking mantissa a billing unit ( 30 minutes) charged.

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The drivers reversing rolled down child

Source 2012-8-31 8:36:27 Ningbo Evening News

  More than 17:00, the day before yesterday in Beilun Hengshan Road, and Fuquan Road intersection, a child was reversing the sedan rolled to his feet, went to the several patrol in the vicinity of urban management first time to the side of the car, the child was rescued from under the wheels, which a city management team has been holding the child until the 120 ambulance arrived. Yesterday afternoon, the reporter contacted on the scene to rescue the city's the Beilun urban management and law enforcement brigade squadron Mr. Qiu.
  Mr Qiu said the afternoon of the 29th, he and three other players in Beilun Fuquan Road area designated patrol. "When the patrol to Fuquan Road and Hengshan Road near the intersection, a car is across the road in reverse. While less than one meter away from the cars at the five-year-old child walking alone on the road. Everyone reaction is that children are dangerous! are preparing to rush to pull the child, did not expect the car's left front wheel has been rolled up. "
  Mr Qiu said the first time, four of them rush together lifting the left front wheel of the car, put the baby out. "At that time, the limousine driver has been completely petrified around is also surrounded by a lot of people we contact the police immediately, and shout, looking for relatives of the children my colleague Dai Wei has been holding the crying out of breath children, constant reassurance from him until the 120 ambulance arrived. "
  "Mr. Chow said he did not know they were then there would be no such a big effort, useless tools directly with bare hands to lift the front wheels of the car. A son momentum to see the injured child and tried

Read more: The drivers reversing rolled down child

Zhoushan waters fishing boat sank 6 missing

Source 2012-8-31 8:23:38 Modern Gold Report
  On August 28, the Ningbo Ocean and Fishery Bureau lifted Typhoon Bolaven alarm. As the saying goes, the fish and shrimp harvest, Xiangshan County in Gaotang Island Township fishermen Jinxian Qing and the same village in the aftermath of Typhoon decide on fishing expeditions.
  August 29, typhoon "Libra" in a circle near the island of Taiwan after northward. Ningbo Ocean and Fishery Bureau immediately issued an emergency notice, requiring all vessels to return to harbor.
  7:00 the same day, Jin Xianqing boat back to Hong Kong via near Zhoushan Liuheng Island, due to the high wind and waves more than 30 meters long fishing boat sank, drowning all seven people on board. Only is Jin Xianqing rescued by nearby fishing boats. The remaining six were swallowed by the sea.
  As of press time reporters yesterday, the Chinese fishery and coastal patrol boats are still things to the field of search and rescue, but addition to Jin Xianqing, six others still unaccounted for.
  At present, the cause of the accident is still under investigation. □ According to Xinhua News Agency, Zhejiang Online

Ningbo originating long-distance sleeper bus trips have not been adjusted

ource 2012-8-31 8:34:47 Ningbo Evening News
  Yesterday, 2:00 to 5:00 daily, Zhejiang Expressway total ban on long-haul passenger vehicles to enter the long-distance sleeper bus, ordinary bus, tourist bus "curfew" in this column.
  The sleeper bus attendance will not be affected by this? Travelers will no longer choose will not be the sleeper bus? Reporters learned yesterday from Ningbo Passenger Transport Center, the city is currently starting sleeper bus attendance has not declined. "Currently in shuyun late sleeper cars attendance is still high, top class line are sold out recently. As for the attendance will drop shuyun after the station has also tracking. Said the passenger center scheduling Director Tang Jibo.
  The reporter learned from Ning Po Win Holdings, the latest group of coaches departing from the passenger transportation center 19:20 bound for Jiangsu, and can reach the destination at 2:00, even though the "curfew" will not have from my coach to run the city of impact.
  Ningbo public Win Holdings relevant responsible person said 'curfew' is only performed in Zhejiang Expressway territory, that is, the time period, Ningbo departure coach can not in the province on the high-speed up, and even many of the shuttle has been out of the province. " . He said, The coach opened from outside the province to Ningbo encounter "curfew" delayed arrives also does not affect the next one starting from Ningbo shuttle departure time. Ningbo public Win Holdings said, because there is no impact, temporary departures of coach will not be adjusted.

28 long nose school bus yesterday

Source 2012-8-31 8:23:20 Modern Gold Report
  Responsible for more than 2,000 students Shuttle 8 schools

  Yesterday afternoon, Jiangbei District bus company in Yongping rural primary and secondary school students held the launch of shuttle operations, marks the 28 students shuttle formally put into operation. 28 full-time driver and full-time attendant care workers all appearances.
  The pilot mainly involves Cicheng piece all public schools and Hongtang piece Hongtang center the Qiu City Primary School School District, with 28 students shuttle, set 23 run Dedicated 2000 Yu Xuesheng from eight schools benefit .
  Department of Education set the school bus run security monitoring platform, real-time monitoring of the safety of every school bus run, school bus speed, fuel consumption, body temperature, and other technical indicators for monitoring the entire process. Full implementation of the set running speed, the maximum speed limit of 60 yards. The correspondent Zhang Wenming reporter Zhang Ping photography to Jie Ding


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