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Ningbo from Taiwan and next 4 flights canceled

2012-9-4 8:46:50 sources of modern gold was quoted at
  Reporter learned from Ningbo International Airport Lishe yesterday, today and tomorrow, 4 classes Ningbo Mandarin Airlines flights from Taiwan to cancel. Specific flight, September 4, AE966 (Ningbo - Taichung), AE965 (Taichung - Ningbo) flights, September 5, AE990 (Ningbo - Taipei) the AE989 (Taipei - Ningbo) flights, the flight's passengers ride in a timely manner contact with the airline or the original purchase point, as soon as possible to do the flight endorsable.

Net purchase train tickets can be chosen seat

Source 2012-9-4 8:46:24 Modern Gold Report
  The seat number of the 15th National EMU uniform preparation similar aircraft numbers + letter form
Plane, many people like to set a window or aisle seat. Soon the public online to buy train tickets may also be self-help elect seat.
  Yesterday, the reporter learned from the railway sector, on September 15, currently open to all high-speed rail line, the seat number of the EMU rules will be changed from the original single figures similar to the aircraft's "Digital + in the form of the letter", which means that online shopping dynamic ticket is expected to achieve a self-selected seat.
  Different models of dynamic workshop, seat number, all prepared with a single digital seat number. Members of the public to buy train tickets online, can not help themselves elected seats, want to choose a window seat position only luck. After the 15th of this month, the country's EMU unified seat seats No. compiling unified digital ticket Arranging seating position will use the A, B, C, D, F, a total of five letters, specific seat number is similar to aircraft numbers + letters "form. Such as the "3 +2" seats, three people seat A, B, C, said, represent a window, middle and aisle location 2's seat with a D, F, said representing the hallway, near the window position ; 2 +2 seating, respectively, with the A, C and D, F represents a window and aisle.
  In fact, all EMU railway ticket ticketing system, high-speed railway already have seat selection function, but passengers can not be elected to a seat tickets online, because the situation of the national railway all types of vehicles are different and can not be unified. The seat number unity preparation ticket buffet election seat, online shopping is expected to move quickly to achieve.

Battery car has become a real "killer road"

2012-9-4 8:44:53 Modern Gold Report
  Car accident frequent reason: poor awareness of traffic safety, the proliferation of "speeding" car battery

In a traffic accident, the car battery was pushed into a pile of scrap metal, the victims of the rider
  The car battery is a lot of people can not be separated from the daily transport.
  However, due to the driver speeding violations manned, reverse driving, crossing the intersection is not required to get off the implementation unsafe driving behavior, leading to traffic accidents remains high, battery car has become a veritable "killer road".
  Call statistics data for August released the latest, according to the 120 emergency center in Ningbo, August outgoing car accident number of visits to 700 back battery car accident more than 200 back. The youngest District 8 120 emergency sites, each day at least encountered together battery car accidents.
  ︻ car accident case ︼
  Not pay attention to safety riding a cable car, how much risk? Ningbo 120 emergency medical Ma Ming Gang told a recent encounter things.
  On Monday, Dr. Ma Paul Li Hospital, Ningbo duty.
  More than 22:00, received a 120 emergency center scheduling Ningbo Branch instruction, said Zhuang the northbound Central Xilu Ma diameter on a family of three riding a cable car knocked to the ground by a large truck.
  The ambulance emergency rushed to the scene, dark sections on a twenty or thirty-ton truck parked in the right side of the carriageway from south to north, not far from the body of the car battery with the truck in the same direction, the cross down on the reverse lane.
  A man driving the car battery, the latter carrying a child and a women. Men and children of relatively minor injuries, while the women's cross fell to the ground, deep coma.

Read more: Battery car has become a real "killer...

Riding a cable car should driving test? Police: This is not a matter

2012-9-4 8:45:33 Modern Gold Report
  Riding a car battery should driving test? Yesterday this information quickly on microblogging is reproduced.
  Reason is September 1, the safe operation of motor vehicles technical conditions GB formal implementation, speed of more than 20 km, 50 km, weighing more than 40 kg of electric vehicles is included in the motor vehicle management areas as mopeds.
  Yesterday, the reporter found the answer to your question, in Ningbo, riding a cable car does not require driving test. Moreover, the electric car manufacturer has not received any notice of "speed limit" production.
  [Traffic police]
  Not received the relevant documents, management business as usual
  According to the traffic police department statistics, Ningbo youngest district registered more than 600,000 electric vehicles registered in Ningbo registered more than 1.2 million. Plus not on the card, the excessive electric cars can not be on the card, full Ningbo electric car ownership in more than 2 million.
  What riding a cable car or not to test a driver's license? Ningbo traffic police detachment of the non-motor vehicle management staff said yesterday, has not yet received the relevant documents, and perform on the card is still in accordance with the standard of Zhejiang Province, the Provincial Commission by letter, and other relevant departments on the card catalog will be released on a regular basis to allow. Before the introduction of the new management approach, and not in accordance with the provisions of the relevant motor vehicle violation electric cars for punishment, but will strengthen the electric bicycle traffic offense remediation.
  That is, riding a "sub-standard" electric car driving test, forced to buy insurance on the card, even drunk driving electric cars into the punishment is not quite accurate.
  Not received notice of production as usual

Read more: Riding a cable car should driving...

Ningbo multiplayer bank card to leave the body case was fraudulent

Source 2012-9-3 10:12:12 Sina Zhejiang
  China Banking Association released data show that, as of the end of 2011, the cumulative issuance volume of China's bank card has more than 2 billion credit card spending has become more and more popular forms of consumption. However, in recent years, with the continuous development of the bank card market, the bank card payment security issues become increasingly apparent. Recently, Ningbo, Zhejiang Police kept getting more than a report, the victim's bank card cards leave the body somehow fraudulent, and the enormous amount of fraudulent, this is exactly how it happened? Look at today's reporters investigation. CCTV weekly quality report aired "Who Moved my bank card, the following contents Record:
  Ningbo, Zhejiang Mr. Wang recently received a friend's phone, said to have hit 180,006 thousand dollars to his bank account. Take calls, Mr. Wang immediately went to the bank, to confirm the money has been credited into account, so he was ready to drive home. But not home, they received a few strange SMS.
  Mr. Wang: all of a sudden to seven or information, all of a sudden is equal to 180,006 thousand dollars brushing.
  Mr. Wang said the SMS, bank debit notification SMS. The SMS prompts, 180,006 thousand dollars from his bank account to be drawn down within ten minutes. Before received similar bank card consumption SMS, Mr. Wang outset that this is fraud SMS did not care. But then think of the amount mentioned in the SMS and friends call the same amount of money, Mr. Wang feels too coincidental, because before this bank card balance few can be counted as credited into 180,006 thousand dollars a basic The full amount of the card. The thought of this, Wang found a little bit wrong, so he immediately return the bank to the query, the results surprised him.
  Mr. Wang: this card certainly people used, out list, the first brush how second brush how third pen the number of fourth document how much has brush seven or eight times.
  Transaction records provided by the bank, Mr. Wang's bank card to brush 9 times in more than 10 minutes, the total amount of credit card up to 180,006 one thousand yuan, of which the largest amount of the transaction amount is 160,006 yuan. The bank card has been placed himself, Mr. Wang was how not to believe the money on this card will say no no it how? The cold sweats Wang rushed to the the Ningbo Jiangdong Public Security Bureau reported the matter. Immediately after receiving the report, police investigating the case, found that Mr. Wang's bank card transaction records in Changsha, Hunan indeed.

Read more: Ningbo multiplayer bank card to leave...


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