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Xiangshan Port Bridge to be completed

On the early morning of August 31, the continuous rigid frame of Yunlong Railway Overpass across Hangzhou-Shenzhen Railway, the linking section of Xiangshan Port Bridge undertaken by MBEC, completed its closure smoothly, marking the completion of the northern part of the linking project of Xiangshan Port Bridge.

The Yunlong Railway Overpass, 1765 meters long, is one of the node projects of the bridge. As the overpass is across Hangzhou-Shenzhen Railway, it had to be constructed during the limited periods when there were no trains passing. "According to the railway schedule, the construction period of the overpass only lasts one and a half hours each time. In one month, there are only six or seven such chances for construction." said a related person from Ningbo Headquarter of High-grade Highway Construction.

After the closure of the major bridge on July 11, the construction of the northern part of the linking project accelerated and completed the closure of the left half on August 24. Now that the major bridge and the northern part of the linking project have completed, all the related subsidiaries and pavement construction have been accelerated significantly, which will lay a solid foundation for the completion of the whole bridge project by the end of this year.

Besides, the 1720 meter-long Baidun Port Bridge is a big project on the southern part of the linking section. The bridge is located in Xihu Port of Xiangshan Bay, with a rather complicated geological condition. According to the plan, Baidun Port Bridge will be completed by the end of September, which will mark the overall completion of the southern part of the linking section.

Xiangshan Port Bridge and its linking project is an important part of the coastal highway (Ningbo-Taizhou-Wenzhou double-tracking railway section) construction of the planned highway and waterway transport construction in Zhejiang Province during the 11th Five-year Plan period. The 47 kilometer-long bridge, with a total investment of 6.887 billion yuan, links the eastern section of the ring highway of Ningbo and the planned Zhejiang coastal freeway between Yunlong Intersection Bridge and Daigang Village. Upon completion, the bridge will completely change the Xiangshan Island's peripheral status in traffic, by including it in the half-hour economic circle of Ningbo, two-hour economic circle of Hangzhou and three-hour economic circle of Shanghai.

Huge funds to close down waste plastics enterprises in Yuyao

News from Yuyao Bureau of Finance said that financial departments of city and town level would allocate 10 mln Yuan on the rectification of waste plastics processing industry.  

It is learned that the fund will be sent to companies in the form of awards to encourage companies to close down their businesses in advance. And the closing down of such companies would address such problems as environmental pollution and occupational diseases etc, thus to promote the progress of industrial transformation and upgrading and to protect the environment. 

According to the requirements for rectification, those unlicensed companies or those companies without complete licenses are required to stop production and close down their plants before September 30, 2012. Moreover, they are demanded to eliminate pollution to surrounding areas. While those companies with full licenses are requested to either upgrade  or move to other places before December 31, 2013.

Leukemia mother jumping into a river to be rescued

Source 2012-9-4 8:58:25 Metro Express
  Leukemia mother decided to be strong
  Yesterday afternoon, I saw less than Yinzhou People's Hospital Hematology ward. See my interview, less than the husband Mr Zeman honest smile limped must give me let out position.
  The couple are from Anhui, married for ten years, so nothing exciting along the way.
  Less than said: "the eldest son in elementary school third grade, kindergarten daughter, and now I got sick, and two children back home so my grandmother took care of. Would have a good life has just begun ..."
  In the second half of last year, Mr Zeman bought a used minivan to help pull the steel in Koto, last December, Mr Zeman's car with a set of truck collided small trucks scrapped, Mr Zeman legs fractures.
  "He lay in bed for more than three months, in order to take care of him, I can only quit his job, when the two children are in Ningbo, because the account is not local, only on a private primary school and kindergarten, a year almost 15,000 yuan of tuition fees, he opened a small truck, plus my income in the factory, can barely hang on to the past ...
  Two months before finally heading he stood up from the bed, I went to see the job only on two months of classes, always dizziness, an investigation turned out to be acute leukemia, is still very dangerous kind.
  "I expect to live another day, it is necessary to spend the previous hard-earned money, the children in the home but also suffer, you feel yourself in harm children much deliberation I felt sad."
  3:00 yesterday, less than, less than while her husband was still asleep, quietly got up, put on a wig, took the 100 yuan, hit a car ran out of the hospital ward. "We used to live in the place, the river, I go toward."
  Nobody came to the river to see looked round, less than drawn into the river.
  Lay soaked in water, simmering gas hard head is full of kids and her husband's shadow, I'm thinking all around no one, he was definitely going to die, eyes closed on any of their own level drift in the river floated for a while, suddenly heard a voice, and seemed anxious to shout at me, my efforts looked up, the whole person is erected is a small fishing boat, with a three or four-year-old man, red I shout, let me grab with bamboo poles.
  "The water of the river is very cold, simmering gas in the river, but also Helehaoji saliva, difficult subject, chaotic wave that did not want him to help me, then I do not know how to seize the bamboo, he rescued me on ship very angry man, asked me why jumping into a river.
  "I told him that I leukemia, has no cure, do not save me his side of the boat to the shore rocking side of training I said, promising leukemia, how not to think about their own children on the shore, he did not carry a cell phone, just a passer, to others, he borrowed a cell phone, hit 110, and gave my husband hit the phone to see the police come, he was to go on their own rocking boat, says that he has to go to catch fish. '
  Mr. Sheng said: "I pick up the phone and immediately rushed passed, not seen up to save her people. Later morning, noon, went back to the river to look for two laps and still could not meet him, I do not too will express, would like to personally thank him. although we had a very difficult time, but we can do without. "
  Before going, less than a smile and said: "God gave me a second chance at life, I will not do anything silly."

Ningbo rush goes up by 70% in price

According to Ningbo Customs, the exports of rush products reached 56.76 million US dollars in the first seven months of 2012, up 37.2% over the same period last year. The average export price of each piece reached 9 US dollars, up 72.6% over the same period last year.

In recent years, the planting area of rush has reduced to 5.73 million acres and the mat manufacturing companies have reduced from 287 to over 100 under reasonable municipal control. Every year, municipal Economic Federation of Rush Industry would release the guide price timely at the end of the harvest period to avoid vicious competition.

It is learned that Ningbo's rush products were mainly exported to Japan. In the first seven months of 2012, Ningbo exported rush products of 56.57 million US dollars to Japan, accounting for 99.7% of the total exports of the rush products.

The the excessive electric bike network transmission will be included in the motor vehicle management

Source 2012-9-4 8:49:53 Ningbo Evening News
Reporters related management, multi-confirmation: no change

  Implemented from September 1, the safe operation of motor vehicles technical conditions GB motorcycles redefine the definition has been highly controversial electric bike management once again pushed to the cusp of public opinion.
  "Speed of more than 20 kilometers, 50 kilometers of electric bicycles need on the card and then hit the road, the driver needs to test a driver's license, buy insurance." Online dissemination of a new version for electric vehicle management. "Road parking also charges, drunk driving also sentenced for drunk driving?" Area '禁摩', not even electric bicycles are not riding? "Like the voices of doubt everywhere also online.
  The reporter learned from the parties concerned, these claims are not accurate. City Public Security Bureau Traffic Police Detachment, non-motor vehicle management staff said, have not yet received the relevant documents, electric bikes on the card is still performed in accordance with provincial standards. "Evening News" reported, the secretary general of the Shanghai Bicycle Industry Association AROUND expressly say the excessive electric bike into motor vehicle management is a misunderstanding.
  The definition of the new national standard for motorcycles hot lead
  September 1, the new operation of motor vehicles safety technical conditions before and after the implementation of the media have reported that the the excessive electric bike will be included in the vehicle management areas, and its basis from the new regulations for motorcycles and mopeds definition.
  Using the exclusion method describes the definition of the motorcycle, wherein written: for motorcycle driven by a power means, with two or three wheels of road vehicles, but which does not include an electrically driven, maximum design speed is not greater than 20 kilometers per hour, with human riding two vehicles comply with the provisions of the relevant national standards, and vehicle curb weight, overall dimensions, motor rated power indicators.
  Another new national standard definition of mopeds: Regardless of the drive way, its maximum design speed of not more than 50km / h motorcycle called mopeds.
  And the safe operation of motor vehicles technical conditions did not appear in the new national standard electric cars need more than 20 kilometers per hour on the card, and buy insurance.
  Guo Jianrong, Secretary-General of the Shanghai Bicycle Industry Association, the technical conditions of intended only motorcycle definition, excessive electric bike is not characterized as a motor vehicle, not redefine superscalar standards for electric bicycles.
  Police: management is no change

Read more: The the excessive electric bike...


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