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EU yesterday officially launched the anti-dumping investigation of China photovoltaic solar products

Source 2012-9-7 9:00:07 Southeast Business
  Ningbo photovoltaic enterprises or in case of "disaster", 15 Yong enterprises involved
Yesterday, the European Union officially launched the anti-dumping investigation of of China photovoltaic solar products range including crystalline silicon PV modules, batteries and silicon. This is so far the EU is China's largest trade litigation, with the pre-Chinese photovoltaic products "dual" is not the same, once the European Union to impose high anti-dumping duties on Chinese photovoltaic products, the Chinese PV industry will suffer a disaster. The EU anti-dumping investigation a total of 15 PV companies involved in Ningbo. According to data released by the Ningbo Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Bureau, Ningbo export solar cell products in 2011 of approximately $ 900,000,000, of which the EU market accounts for more than seven hundred million U.S. dollars.
  Electronics Industry Association of Ningbo Renfeng Bo said, once the respondent fails, Ningbo photovoltaic industry is definitely a "disaster".
  Reporter YIN Hao correspondent Guo Wei Ran
  The EU is the main market for PV companies
  Ministry of Commerce data show that The 2011 Chinese photovoltaic cells on exports to the EU the amount of $ 20.4 billion, approximately 60% of the European photovoltaic products from China, exports to the EU accounted for more than 70% of the exports of Chinese photovoltaic products. Prior to the PV industry in China, the United States has to take anti-dumping countervailing investigation measures. The EU initiated anti-dumping investigation of Chinese photovoltaic products, China PV industry will face the predicament flank.
  "Ningbo is the main production base of the photovoltaic industry, with hundreds of various types of photovoltaic enterprises, the EU's anti-dumping investigations, 15 Ningbo enterprises involved in the EU market accounted for 80% of the exports of Ningbo PV companies if the EU Chinese product dumping established, Ningbo enterprises will be drowned. "Municipal Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Bureau of Foreign Trade Management Office Deputy Director Fan Xiaojun said.

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Today Bailu Qiu days

Source 2012-9-7 8:55:16 Ningbo Evening News
Today is the twenty-four solar terms in the White Dew. The Bailu with temperatures decreased rapidly, start rolling autumn sunshine plummeted obvious characteristics, profoundly reflects the transition from summer to autumn season. At this time, people will obviously feel the hot summer has passed, and cool autumn has arrived. The daytime temperature is still three to ten degrees Celsius, but the night after, down to twenty degrees Celsius, the temperature difference between the two is more than ten degrees Celsius. Farming proverb says "the Bai Louqiu points night night cool night", is the meaning.
  The arrival of the typical autumn weather, the public should heart Qiuzao wounding. However, the good news this season is the listing of a variety of fruits, edible fruit add moisture, but also pay attention to some tips. For example, after a meal to eat apples helps digestion, but Apple is rich in carbohydrates and potassium, eating too much is not conducive to the heart, kidney health, coronary heart disease, diabetes patients should not eat. Pear cough, phlegm and Qingzao of, but it's not low sugar content, diabetic patients should be eaten in moderation. Persimmon contains a lot of elements such as vitamins A, C, and the buck stop bleeding, heat Runchang effect, but the fruit contains a lot of persimmon plastic phenol and pectin, to meet with the acid will condense into fibrous clumps, so constipation were cut. and it is not the same food with crab, potato. The pomegranate is a fruit of the hot and humid, dysentery, pharyngitis effect, but the hot Shensi, good physique people should not eat.

The Ningbo Airport will start security level two

Source 2012-9-7 8:40:17 Modern Gold Report
  Reminder: carry only with a piece of luggage, the best to the airport two hours early
  Tomorrow, you go to the airport to fly through security staff may ask your slippers or solution belt, do not be surprised, this is because the security level to improve.
  Reporter yesterday learned from Ningbo International Airport Lishe, tomorrow, the the Ningbo airport security level increased to two, this security level has been used during the Beijing Olympic Games and Shanghai World Expo. Security rating, time may be extended, the travelers best two hours in advance to the airport terminal.
  □ the correspondent Huang Yueguang reporter Xue Caosheng
  Measures 
  Ningbo Airport to start two security
  Travelers need to be with the three security
  The Ningbo Airport tomorrow starts two security checks, this grade has been used during the Beijing Olympic Games and the World Expo in Shanghai, when travelers through security with the three checks.
  First, the implementation of the explosion-proof safety inspection of all boarding passengers from carrying baggage, airport waiting for inspection at the security checkpoint configuration explosives detector, the detector to detect the luggage of passengers;
  The second is the implementation of a strict personal checks, travelers through the security gate, to accept more stringent manual spot checks, including take off your shoes, belt solution;
  Tighter opened package (box) Check, airport security will strictly enforce the infant and "prohibit carrying liquids", "prohibited fire" and "player can only carry one piece of baggage check-in" provisions.
  Impact 
  Open the package to take off your shoes and other tests to increase the speed of passenger security checks decreased by 25-50%
  Ningbo is not just, gradually improve the security level in various cities, including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Hangzhou airport, the travelers open packet inspection rate and take off your shoes inspection rate will be greatly enhanced.

Read more: The Ningbo Airport will start security...

The network transmission steel trade boss jumped to reporters verification: a rumor

Source 2012-9-7 8:41:28 Modern Gold Report
  Why would fool the people in the industry, with the recent steel trade market
  Say that the network is a double-edged sword, these days, a news Ningbo, a steel trading business owners jumped to microblogging triggered much attention.
  A time, a lot of people forwarding this message, many of whom are insiders. Yesterday, the reporter understood this message is rumored reason why this rumor credibility, and the recent downturn in the steel trade market.
  □ reporter Zhou Yang trainee reporter Li Hua
  >> Network transmission
  Ningbo steel trading business unbearable pressure jumped to
  The news first appeared in the afternoon before the Sina microblogging.
  Afternoon, the network called "Lange of steel - Lu Fu Zhen user hair microblogging: I heard that a steel trading business in Ningbo (Ningbo Dafa), do multi-threaded Futures 20,000 hands, on the morning of September 5, 11 o'clock in Ningbo suicide, it is estimated that the steel trade would have to do good, hands not cargo heart is not practical, to do more than a single stocking in the futures, the results fell sharply, reluctant to stop, the more losses the more, the last to wear the positions, the results tragedy ah.
  "The Lange Steel - Lu Fu Zhen" is the real name of a registered user, its authentication information on Hai Lange Information Co., Ltd. Director of Operations. The company is a metal distribution industry enterprises, therefore, this broke the news of the industry, making it more credibility.
  Microblogging, many users to discuss the matter.
  Users Futures Thomas made micro-Bo said in the afternoon: 11:00 network transmission, Ningbo Dafa steel boss jumping off a building, is said to do more rebar futures over 20,000 hand in Ningbo Huancheng North, seeking to confirm !

Read more: The network transmission steel trade...

ID card errors bothering a basketful

Source 2012-9-7 8:38:04 Modern Gold Report

  Social security center says my grandfather's social security card identity card number is wrong, to demonstrate that "the bank said my identity card number and account inconsistent identity card number, I'll make a proof of ..."
  Yesterday, the the Baizhang police station police officers posted in the East Policing, records are mistakenly problem of ID card information.
  □ correspondent easy Xuezhu reporters Meng Ye Ming
  An identity card numbers inconsistent Cary take no money
  August 16, Ms. Jiang units to her passbook scored a wage, this passbook Xu Jiumei with Miss Jiang ready to receive, but found that he forgot the password.
  Bank staff told Miss Jiang, to reclaim the password needed to show identification. Miss Jiang staff took out his identity card and handed the results to be informed when the identity card number and the account number is inconsistent, bank deposits take no, and asked her to make a proof of the public security organs.
  Yesterday, Miss Jiang hurriedly came to the the Baizhang police station. The police on duty to look at her household registration data and found that she was more than one identity card number.
  The police think this strange, asked in detail about some things. It turned out that as early as May 1995, Miss Jiang thought their own ID card is lost, the application to re-apply for an ID card. The hand of the new ID card, she found the lost that old identity cards. Later renewal of second generation ID card, she has not turned over to the ID card has been voided.
  Sort out the reasons, the police, Miss Jiang issued identity card numbers of census data, there have been three, but the banks still do not match.
  After Miss Jiang requirements, the bank gives Ms Kong identity card number used to open an account in 2004. This is based on 330,204 at the beginning of the 18-digit identity card number, not the census data to 330,902 at the beginning of the number.
  "Will the banks to open an account then do not use copiers, but handwriting input my identity card number of mistakes?" The Miss Jiang questioned.
  The bank said that the system can not change the Miss Jiang personal information, only the woman can confirm that the certificate issued by the two ID number for the same person, in order to remove the passbook deposits, while the public security does not exist online ID card for the 330,204 people beginning .
  "I really do not know how to do in the end, in order to get your money back?" Miss Jiang was very tangled.
  Jiangdong District People's Court Judge Chen: ID error, and no such person, if the the name Miss Jiang passbook really consistent with her name, she can go to court to sue the bank savings deposit disputes.
  The public is advised to take deposits like, try to keep the relevant documents like Miss Jiang this case, if there are other documents, even if you forget the passbook password, litigation will facilitate a lot.
  2 ID card information hard to enjoy social security benefits
  Miss Jiang had left, a young man again, said his grandfather more than 60 years old this year, the amount of social security Cary did not multiply.

Read more: ID card errors bothering a basketful


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