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Flight delays are expected to ease

Source 2012-9-11 8:39:31 Modern Gold Report
  Ningbo Airport, nearly 1/3 of flight delays in October of Civil Aviation will promote the opening of low-altitude airspace in 1-8 months
Mr. Lee sat in Ningbo Airport last month 4 aircraft, hit three times delay. The one direct flights canceled due to typhoon reasons. Speaking of this thing, he has a stomach of grievances. Flight delays seem more and more frequent, especially in the summer thunderstorm season.
  Lishe International Airport yesterday announced a set of data: nearly 30,000 flights take off and land in 1-8 months, about 10,000 flights delayed due to various reasons.
  □ correspondent Huangyue Guang Zhu true purpose single Following Peng
  Reporter Xue Caosheng
  As of August, the flight delays accounted for more than 30
  Mr. Fung is a businessman, and frequently between Ningbo and Beijing, and basically want to travel four or five times a month. Last month, due to the "sea anemone" strikes, frequent flights to Beijing Gaiqian day to and from the Ningbo Airport three times, but eventually canceled flights.
  Before sitting flights will select the normal rate some airlines do not know Which one, only luck. "Mr. Fung quipped.
  Ningbo flight delays in the end many?
  Yesterday, Ningbo Airport has announced a set of data: 1-8 months of this year, the airport protection of all kinds of flights taking off and landing 29,506 sorties, of which the number of delayed flights due to all causes nearly 9500 sorties, flight regularity rate of 67.8%. In 7-8 months, the airport daily flight only 50% of the normal rate even more.
  Ningbo airport all flights from the destination, the normal rate is lower flights in Beijing, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, the higher density in these three directions; view from the time period, each of the two periods flights normal lower rate, 1-2 months and 7-8 months, this time easily affected by weather factors.

Read more: Flight delays are expected to ease

The mother took the children of the women and children's hospital jumped to his rescue invalid duo deaths

Source 2012-9-10 19:27:47 Oriental Hotline

Pictures from friends "Gemini Qin Shu

Pictures from friends "hostess 1020"
Oriental hotline, September 10 about 1:45 this afternoon, a women with just a four-month-old baby girl from the women and children's hospital inpatient building 12th floor jumped rescue after more than half an hour, about 2:30 in the afternoon left and right, and her daughter, she invalidation death. It is understood that the baby girl to the woman at the Women and Children Hospital birth to a second child.
The incident
14:22 today, users "Gemini Qin Shu" microblogging, "women and children's hospital and a mother with a child jumping off a building, and a terrible thing!" Along with photos from the scene. More than 14:00, the husband of the woman rushed to the scene. According to public order, the woman at 8:00 this morning to take the kids leave the house, and has not been home, the family is also very anxious around to look for, but failed to find, did not expect the tragedy happened.
Postpartum depression
Seriously ill children birth to second child (baby girl) can not afford the medical expenses
Women and Children Hospital responded by saying that, after a preliminary investigation, the woman and the baby is not a women and children's hospital patients, for foreign personnel. However, the woman had Aug. 11 in the Women and Children Hospital birth to a second child (baby girl) August 15, and her daughter was discharged, just one month today, women have a tendency to postpartum depression.
The understanding, the women are seriously ill, because children could not afford expensive medical fees, with only four months, the baby jumped to his death from the 12th floor.
Hot friends
tank1234: woman with postpartum depression. Morning to go out, the father of the baby has been looking for someone, I did not expect the cups.
Strawberry pipa: children get sick mother how will despair and take their children with Sia! I feel sure there are family reasons, and then have no money to see a doctor would not it? Her husband do?
Mistress 1020: Today the power of the media can help the masses to fundraising, even if the failure to cure also can not go to extremes, do not make life difficult for the Hom, pathetic little life.
At present, the specific reasons and details of the women jumped to the Women and Children Hospital, the public security departments have been set out to investigate.
Original post link : Women and Children Hospital, a mother took the children to jump from a building, and a terrible thing

Sixty year old man caught jumping into the river rescue

Source 2012-9-10 9:05:04 Ningbo Evening News
  "Our hospital has just admitted one jumping into a river of patients, is a sixty old man come up with the two men are now in our hospitals." At noon yesterday, the town Hailong race hospital Dr. Li to the newspaper News Hotline 87777777 a phone call, regarding reflect touching the elderly for saving lives.
  Old man jumping into a river to rescue a calf injury seam 5-pin
  Reporters yesterday afternoon rushed Longsai hospital, injected in the hospital lobby to see the who rescue old man.
  Gray-haired old man, face kind. His calf bandaged hands still fluid. Accompany his wife and daughter in the side. I heard that reporters want to interview him to save people's things, waved their hands, he said, not to mention the.
  Repeatedly asked, and chatted with his family, the reporter was informed that some of the things in the old man's.
  The old man called Wen Fu tin this year, 67-year-old, living in Zhenhai Simon, Community. The time of the incident, the old man is fishing in the river. At that time, the high water level of the river, the old man to see a woman jumping into a river more than 10 meters away from him. The woman immediately after sinking into the water, leaving only two hand tapping on the surface of the water. The old man did not have time to think, jump leap into the river.
  "Deep river, the water you have not seen my head I traveled to that of women, hand grabbed her hair when she surfaced, I was holding her to the shore, but I did not have the effort she pushed ashore. shore of the soon to come and help, what put that women ashore, then I pulled ashore. "smell the old man said.

Read more: Sixty year old man caught jumping into...

Yuyao, a father and son spent 14 days more than 6000 yuan to build an electric car

Source 2012-9-10 9:12:13 Southeast Business

Wang Yongsheng father and son sitting on building his own electric car.
  Everyone will have a dream, the dream into a reality requires not only enthusiastically need hands. The day before yesterday, the new Yuyao people Yongsheng open handmade electric cars now built in their yard in a circle, the neighbors were amazed, Wang Yongsheng feel proud is pulling the wind. Yesterday, Wang Yongsheng again based on the views of users of the car last transformation.
  Reporter Chen love red
  The father and son battle self-made electric car
  The 27-year-old Wang Yongsheng Yichang, Hubei. 2007, Wang Yongsheng father sea to do machinery sales in Yuyao, later King family home security in Yuyao low Tong Street, North, Central Town, also opened a mechanical abrasive processing factory, the factory employed 78 workers .
  One day, when you see the next-door neighbor drove a four-wheel electric vehicles Shuttle grandson, Wang Yongsheng very envious of up to ask the price to more than 30,000 yuan. Home plenty of tools and machine tools, he wanted to more than 30,000 yuan to buy electric car is not as good as he made a. With this in mind, Wang Yongsheng and father Pharaoh discuss making an electric car, Pharaoh also a skilled person in a young man, he wanted to build an electric car to her grandchildren.
  Wang Yongsheng learn computer art deco design, is now engaged in the design and manufacture of ultrasonic plastic welding machinery and automated transformation. Wang Yongsheng design, the Pharaoh implementation, August 26, the father and son went ahead.
  New car imitation American Jeep Willis
  Wang Yongsheng said initially wanted to fake, according to the American Jeep Willis, The outline also generally formed in my mind after the beginning of the preparatory accessories edge manufacturing while improving, changed by doing.
  Buy material, welded frame, from August 26 to yesterday, the father and son to work outside of time is spent on the repairer. Halfway, father and son also faced up to a big transformation: the original design is four too much to consider models as well as the safety and endurance, father and son car changed to two, becomes now a smaller version.
  The repairer when neighbors Kaifong often went to Wang Yongsheng home to look at the progress of the new car, they are very much looking forward to the birth of a new car.
  DIY car not on the license difficult road
  Repairer, father and son do not have experience, Wang Yongsheng twice in the manufacture of vehicle photos to the Orient forum discussion, netizens also keen to mention a number of revisions and considerations. Welding is solid? Frame too much power is enough? There is no speed control function? Brake system how ah? Wang Yongsheng again and again according to the views of users modify the design and production of the car, and even what color paint Body Spray, Wang Yongsheng also selected the recommendation of friends painted camouflage.
  The day before yesterday, Wang Yongsheng and drove his car driving in a circle in the yard, the neighbors came to onlookers, Wang Yongsheng feel very proud.
  Some friends have suggested Wang Yongsheng drying the car to the Friends of the Forum of the car up, bigger and stronger, simply made the car fuel cars. On this point, Wang Yongsheng thought very clearly: the only electric type, can not hold the fuel, so green.
  Car simple four-wheel electric vehicles, weighing about 200 kg, up to 30-40 km / h, a maximum of 100 km run. Wang Yongsheng told reporters that the repairer this kind of thing easily fascinating, he named this car for eternity One may also later immortalized on the 2nd, immortalized on the 3rd.
  Yesterday, the City Vehicle Administration staff told reporters, the the formal production production car series must have a certificate and other documents to be able to be on the license, this building his own vehicle as a motor vehicle is not possible on the license, more can not be driven on the road.
  ■ list
  Wang Yongsheng repairer general cost
  Chassis in steel required
  (Six 40 * 40 * 3mm side pass, two 20 * 2mm square pass) 600
  Old motor: 200
  Battery, controller, circuit, headlight, horn: 3800
  Two seats: 120
  Antirust paint + car paint: 300
  Tire wheel screw (five): 600
  Shock absorber (90 * 4): 360
  Two springs: 71
  A rear axle: 240
  ■ Comment
  Users "Jason @ Ningbo": powerful, global limited edition.
  Friends "with the wind Fantasy": true, or new energy vehicles.
  Users "xp7240125": China's cattle were really a lot, I love you like everyone has an ideal.
  Friends "nunnery": Ningbo Geely need to ask you in the past, how do pure electric vehicles listed in the 2013 study.
  Users "Imljp": You can also put the car Friends Forum, can be a purely technical posts up some skill, chances are there will be financial support.

The volume of container under the vehicle has been compacted and dragged five meters "miracle sister" only scrape skin

Source 2012-9-10 8:42:37 Modern Gold Report

The beef Yikuang save Ningbo "miracle sister
  Knocked down and rolled into the bottom of the vehicle, rolling dragged ... drowning in a car accident? No, minor abrasions scrape a little skin, only the face is simply a miracle. Yesterday, Ningbo on such a "miracle sister.
  Her first riding a cable car to send beef the container car knocked down, and then the car carrying the man into the bottom of the vehicle with a cargo volume, then roll dragged nearly five meters. Through so thrilling a behind-the-scenes, her fire officers and soldiers rescued and rushed to hospital for examination, the result was only by the skin trauma.
  The scene of the accident container truck rolling dragged five meters
  Yesterday morning around 5:13:02 Huancheng North Road, Jiangbei District the Ni gaojiayan Road intersection, the intersection of the monitoring and recording under this miracle occurred.
  West to east right-turn lane, the indicator is green, this time, the a container car hit the turn signal begins to decelerate ready to turn. Container right side of the car, a woman is riding a cable car, the car carrying the full of a basket of beef, deviate from the trajectory, moving into the fast lane.
  5:13:07, container car directly hit a woman riding a cable car, the cycling woman car carrying the man caught in a container under the vehicle. The container left front wheel of the car has run over by a car battery and a full basket of beef, and the woman fell to the ground has been the front push forward shift.
  5:13:11, the the container car finally stopped. Knocked the woman, dragged along for nearly five meters, being firmly stuck in the car chassis below.

Read more: The volume of container under the...


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