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Chemical factory expansion stops after thousands march in protest

A police officer talks to residents in Ningbo City who were protesting the proposed expansion of a petrochemical factory that they say would spew pollution and damage public health. The city government said yesterday evening that the project's investor agreed not to go ahead with the expansion.


THOUSANDS of protesters who marched through the eastern Ningbo City yesterday against the expansion of a petrochemical factory won a pledge from the local government that the project would be halted.

The Ningbo government said in a statement yesterday evening that the city and the project's investor had "resolutely" agreed not to go ahead with the expansion.

The city's Zhenhai District, where the chemical plant locates, said Ningbo's Communist Party chief Wang Huizhong and Mayor Liu Qi held discussions with residents on Saturday night.

The Ningbo government said in a short statement on its website yesterday evening that the project wouldn't go ahead and that refining at the factory would stop for the time being while a scientific review is conducted.

The demonstration is the latest this year over fears of health risks from industrial projects, as Chinese who have seen their living standards improve become more outspoken against environmentally risky projects in their areas.

Hundreds of residents headed from a city square toward the offices of the Ningbo government early yesterday. They were stopped by police at the gate. Tensions rose after about 200 riot police walked out of the gate, tore down banners that people had hung in trees.

Hundreds roamed along nearby shopping streets. Police diverted traffic to allow them to pass down a main road.

The protests began a few days earlier in the coastal district of Zhenhai. On Saturday they swelled and spread to the center of Ningbo. Residents reported that Saturday's protests involved thousands of people.

Authorities said "a few" people disrupted public order by staging sit-ins, unfurling banners, distributing fliers and obstructing roads.

Marchers included the elderly and children, as well as some pet poodles. Some protesters wore face masks and shouted slogans like "Protect Ningbo" and "Return my health."

"We have to do this for our future and our family's future," a 40-year-old protester surnamed Jing said yesterday, as she pointed to the smoggy air. "The sky was so clear when I was a child. Look at it now."

Another protester, Yu Yibing, said he wanted the factory to be closed, not expanded, and his 7-year-old son to grow up in a clean environment.

"As the common people, we need to live in a green environment. This is a reasonable request," Yu said. 

The planned expansion project was designed to produce 15 million tons of refined oil and 1.2 million tons of ethylene per year and belongs to Sinopec Zhenhai Refining & Chemical Co, which has invested 55.87 billion yuan (US$8.9 billion).


Source Shanghaidaily

Buyers from Russia on Canton Fair multiplied

Data from the 112th Canton Fair showed that buyers from Russia increased significantly despite of the decreasing total number of the purchasers on the fair caused by the depressing world economy. Experts argued that emerging markets like Russia had become the new profiting land for made-in-china commodities.    
Statistics showed that a total of 5,717 Russians checked in on the fair till Oct, 23. In phase one, 4,753 Russian purchasers attended the fair, increasing by 6.64 percent against the same period of the previous time, while the total number of buyers for Phase I dropped off 11.44 percent.

16th Zhejiang Sanitation Worker’s Day Celebrated

A ceremony was held in Ningbo on October 23 to celebrate the 16th Zhejiang Sanitation Worker’s Day. Wang Huizhong, Liu Qi and Wang Renzhou made special instructions and sending their warm greetings to all sanitation workers in Ningbo.

The theme of the 2012 Ningbo Sanitation Worker’s Day is “Clean City, Beautiful Home”. On the same day, an occupational skill competition for sanitation workers was held in Fubang Stadium in Jiangdong. In the celebration ceremony, advanced individual workers and units were honored for their contributions. Representatives of sanitation workers also launched a proposal to call for joint efforts to protect the appearance of the city.

Wang Huizhong said that the appearance was the most basic and important symbol of urban civilization, and all Ningbo’s sanitation workers were outstanding beauticians of this emerging port city. They were the heroes of city in creating National Civilization City and Model City of environment protection.

Liu Qi said that the appearance was the window and image of a city. He thanked all the sanitation workers for their contributions to Ningbo and hoped them would make further efforts and more achievements.Wang Renzhou said that all the sanitation workers were doing the extraordinary work on their ordinary posts. He wished them a happy holiday.

Modern Commercial Circulation Developed Fast in Ningbo

Tianyi Square, opened a decade ago, has became a large-scale urban commercial center of Ningbo with an average daily traffic of over 200, 000 passengers and an annual turnover of nearly 10 billion Yuan.

In the past decade, Ningbo made every effort to turn itself the business center south of the Yangtze River Delta. As a result, its consumption market became more and more prosperous and commercial circulation developed rapidly. In 2011, Ningbo's total retail sales reached 201.89 billion Yuan, the added value of commercial circulation industry was over 50 billion Yuan, an increase of 340% and 150% respectively over a decade ago.

In the past decade, a group of large-scale commercial plazas which contributed much to the development of surrounding areas were built, while 42 characteristic streets focused on cultural, commercial and leisure functions were established to expand Ningbo's consumption market. 

Read more: Modern Commercial Circulation...

100 families awarded as Cixiao Family

Recently, one hundred families in the Jiangbei District have been awarded as the Cixiao Family (Cixiao: a traditional Chinese virtue advocating parents to be kind and children filial). One is from the Fanjing Community. Chen Xiaoyu, suffering from cerebral palsy and expected not to live over 20, is now 30 years old. His mother Hong Yiping has been taking care of him and his grandmother. She says that when they get old they will still stay together in the nursing home. 
Starting in middle September, the 4th selection of Cixiao Family is aimed to promote traditional virtues, Cixiao culture and values of harmony. As the first Town of Cixiao Culture in China, Jiangbei promotes the traditional virtues by awarding such families. Families that are recommended by community members will be posted on the Internet for public review before getting the reputation. 
Here are some examples of the Cixiao Family. Though disabled, Fang Guoxiang takes care of his young child and elderly mother on his own. Cheng Jingfang has looked after her step-father for four years with nothing to complain. Leaders from Jiangbei Women Association said that it was hoped to promote social harmony by setting examples of Cixiao Family, which have gracious moral sentiment.


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