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Exhibition of Ancient Chinese Music Instruments to be held in Ningbo

The Exhibition of Ancient Chinese Music Instruments will be held in Ningbo Museum from December 5 to March, 2013.

Visitors to the exhibition will have a chance to take a close look at over 200 pieces of ancient Chinese musical instruments and other cultural relics through various activities in the museum.

In addition, the Zhejiang Dinosaur Fossils Exhibition, which is scheduled to last to November 28, will be ended in advance due to maintenance.

Acclaimed British writer visit Ningbo

Simon Van Booy, a well-received British writer visited Ningbo and talked with his Chinese readers face-to-face on Tuesday.

Simon Van Booy is a British author who lives in the United States. Born in Great Britain, he grew up in rural Wales, and has lived in Kentucky, Paris, Athens, New York, New Hampton. His short story collection Love Begins in Winter won the Frank O'Connor International Short Story Award, the world's richest short story prize.

Simon Van Booy is best known among Chinese readers for his two collections of short stories, The Secret Lives of People in Love and Love Begins in Winter. Simon is especially good at describing love stories set in cities. His first full-length novel is due to be published in China imminently. Invited by the Cultural and Education Section of the British Consulate General in Shanghai, the 99 Reading Club, and Ningbo Fenglinwan Bookstore, Simon Van Booy came to Ningbo to meet with his Chinese readers face to face, sharing the living stories in his writing career.

Ningbo netizens spend 393 million on 'Singles' Day'

China's e-commerce giant Alibaba pocketed 19.1 billion yuan (3.04 billion U.S. dollars) during its "Singles' Day" shopping promotion on Nov. 11, it announced on Monday. The figure was three times more than that of last year, according, a key sales platform under Alibaba.

Ningbo netizens made significant contribution to Sunday's spending binge. According to data from the Alibaba Group, netizens in Ningbo spent 393 million yuan on "Singles' Day", an astonishing figure compared to last year's 73.06 million yuan. However, according to a ranking among major Chinese cities, Ningbo, although ranking the second in Zhejiang province, dropped to the eighth from the fifth position nationwide last year. The top three cities are Shanghai, Beijing and Hangzhou.

The data show that the promotion on Sunday enticed 213 million Internet users to shop on and Tmall, two sales platforms under Alibaba, accounting for 40 percent of Chinese Internet users. Ten million users visited its website in the first minute of the sale. The ravenous consumers quickly snatched hundreds of thousands of goods including down jackets, iPhones, shampoo, liquor, and even diapers.

The figure of 19.1 billion yuan embarrassed traditional retailers. During the passed eight-day national day holiday, the 5,000 outlets form 395 large and medium-sized shopping malls in Shanghai earned a total operating income of 6.43 billion yuan. Even in Hong Kong, the well-known 'paradise of shoppers', the average daily retail sales in August was reported as 930 million yuan.

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