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A Singing Party Held

The singing party in commemoration of the 18th Party Congress of the CPC was held at the Youngor Stadium yesterday evening. The party was sponsored by the Ningbo Publicity Department, the Press and Broadcasting Bureau and the Ningbo Singing and Dance Troupe

Ningbo-Taipei Education Cooperation & Exchange Conference held

Recently, the 1st Ningbo-Taipei Education Cooperation & Exchange Conference, hosted by Ningbo Association of Education and co-sponsored by Taipei Culture & Education Exchange & Development Association, was held in Taipei Cosmos Hotel. Those who attended the forum include Zhang Minghua, Vice-mayor of Ningbo, Zhang leming, Deputy Secretary-general of Ningbo Municipal Government, Ding Tingyu, Vice-mayor of Taipei, Feng Qinghuang, Deputy Director of Taipei Education Bureau, Lin Zhaoxian, President of Taipei Culture & Education Exchange & Development Association, and Mao Baoqing, former Chairman of Ningbo Fellow Citizen Association in Taipei and honorary citizen of Ningbo. Zhang Minghua and Ding Tingyu delivered speeches for the exchange conference, and Shen Jianguang, Ningbo Municipal Education Bureau made a brief introduction of the education situation in Ningbo. Over 60 related people from universities and middle schools from both Ningbo and Taipei attended the conference.

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Sci and tech increase grain output

The 340 mus organic rice of Grain Cooperative of Shandeng village in Shangtian Town reaped a bumper harvest recently, and every kilogram of rice sold at a price of 50 yuan. The good news excited greatly Wang Fuqiang, who charges the Cooperative. He said that agricultural experts guided them to grow high-quality rice without chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and the rice sold well in the market.

Introducing technology talents to guide the development of high efficient agriculture is a key measure of Shangtian Town in recent years. The town introduced talents from colleges and research centers and carried out scientific and technological production, industrialized operation as well as brand management, transforming the traditional agricultural mode into a modern mode. Fenghua Aoji Agricultural Science and Technology Co., Ltd hired Lu Lizhi and Tao Zhengrrong, who are both livestock breeding researchers of Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, as its technical advisors and invested over five mln yuan to set up a private institution. Up till now, the institute has helped the company improve the production quantity and quality, attracting many experts from other countries like Germany and Japan.

Going global is another development of Shangtian high-efficient agriculture. As its strawberries win great reputation, some farmers began to grow strawberries in Pudong, Jiading of Shanghai. The planting area of Shangtian strawberries reached 3,200 mus, forming a pattern of large-scale growing and industrialized operation. 

Jiangdong: two corps won specific transportation funds

The Ministry of Finance made known the list of enterprises who won the Specific Funds on Energy-saving and Emission-reduction Transportation ( 2012). Jiaochen Group and Ningxing Automobile in Jiangdong District were on the list and won 600,000 yuan and 300,000 yuan of specific funds respectively. Only three companies in Ningbo won the funds.

Jiaochen Group explored the green automobile maintenance technology project and invested 3.26 mln yuan in total, making the automobile maintenance more environment-protecting and energy-saving. Ningxing Automobile developed a green and energy-saving maintenance project and achieved a win-win result both in economic benefits and environmental benefits. 

Red Cross Society first set up in Beilun enterprise

On 19th, the Ningbo Tianping Foreign Trade Packing Co., Ltd set up a Red Cross Society, the first one of this kind in Beilun. More than 40 kind and dedicated workers became the first members.

“There have been quite a number of Red Cross Society in Beilun, but this is the first one set up in the enterprise”, said Wang Junding, chairman of the Red Cross Society of the Company, “The fund is mainly from the Company’s subsidy and donations of workers and of the Red Cross Society of higher levels.” Wang Weizhen, vice-chairman of Beilun Red Cross Society, said that the enterprise Red Cross Society was a new vigor and served as a platform for the workers to help others.


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