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Ningbo honored "China Law Government Prize"

On December 23, the election and prizes-presenting ceremony of the second session of "China Law Government Prize" was held in Beijing. The project of standardization of administrative examination and approval, presented by Ningbo Municipal Government, was well received and approved by the election experts and won "China Law Government Prize" in competition with over 40 presented projects.

According to the presentation speech, "Ningbo Municipal Government has been insisting its basic principles of providing services and convenience, and seeking innovation and cooperation. Through the construction of the standardization system of administrative examination and approval and the working mechanism of joint approval, it has achieved the integration of the examination and approval, the integration of the links, the synchronization of procedures and the transparency of the processes. From 'sole permission' to 'industrial admittance', from 'people obeying the governing by the government' to 'government serving the social demands', Ningbo Municipal Government has implemented all its policies based on the public demands, in the belief of 'convenience for the public', which makes it a real people's government."

"China Law Government Award" was founded by the Institute of Law Government of China Politics and Law University, and in this year’s session, 25 presented projects were nominated for the final competition. On December 23, nearly 30 experts from such organizations as the Commission of Legislative Affairs and the Committee for Internal and Judicial Affairs of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, the Committee of Social and Legal Affairs of the National Committee of the CPPCC, Supreme People's Court, Renmin University of China and People's Daily News Agency listened to the project presentations and voted for 13 projects to win the "China Law Government Award".

Read more: Ningbo honored "China Law Government...

Imports and exports of offsite enterprises dominating

It is learned from Ningbo Customs that in the first 11 months of 2012, the total volume of imports and exports by offsite enterprises through Ningbo Port reached US$110.36 billion, accounting for 61.3% of the port's total volume.

With the expansion of Ningbo Port and various convenient customs clearance measures by Ningbo Customs, the competitiveness of Ningbo Port has been enhanced and has gradually become the preferred port of international trade for the enterprises in the surrounding areas. Statistics from Ningbo Customs show that in the first 11months, the enterprises in Zhejiang Province (except Ningbo) reached US62.27 billion, accounting for 56.4% of the total volume of offsite enterprises

Municipal Winter Traffic Emergency Plan Started

Snow fell in parts of Ningbo’s mountain area on December 18. According to Yinzhou traffic police, municipal winter traffic emergency plan was started. Real-time supervision of mountain road condition was conducted. Warning boards were placed on the icy road leading to Xizhang, Lihu and Yanma Villages. More traffic policemen were ordered to patrol roads and workers were organized to clear the snow to ensure a smooth road condition.
The traffic police advised villagers to reduce private car travel and to take public transport as far as possible. It also suggested the drivers to drive in a slow speed on an icy road to keep safety.
In addition, hitting the brake for several times before stopping the car was a good way to remind the car followed to slow down and avoid rear-end collision. If the snow was too big to indentify the road condition ahead, the driver had better pull over and turn on the flashlight. If they met big difficulties, they should call the police on time.

Website for reserving cargo space put into operation

On 19th, the first online cargo space reserving platform becomes available. “Through the website, we can easily book space and track our cargo”, said Mr. Zheng , a manager of a shipping agency company.
It has been learned that the platform, established in accordance with the project of navigation service launched by the National Development and Reform Commission, mainly serves for cargo owners, cargo agencies and ship companies. It makes the more transparent and standardized navigation e-commerce business possible.
    “In the past, we connected with our business partners through fax. Now by searching on the website for the latest charge of our navigation routes, we can book cargo space and follow up with the transportation of the freight”, said Mr. Zheng.
The website, the first set up by government in China, offers registered members services of ordering cargo space, tracking freight transportation as well as service of bank credit and finance. 
 “The platform not only serves for Ningbo businessmen but also for those from other cities of China and abroad. It is expected that in years the platform will become a regional distribution center of navigation resources”, according to workers in charge of the website.

Meeting of NAIEC Held in Ningbo

The fifth session of the fifth president meeting of the Ningbo Association for the Improvement of Economic Construction was held in Ningbo on December 18. Presidents of all branches of the NAIEC and the Ningbo Chamber of Commerce attended the meeting. Liuqi, Chen Yijun and Wang Jianshe granted an interview to the representatives. Liu Zhongli, Ye Rutang, Zhuang Xiaotian, Zhang Weiwen, Wang Zhuohui, Chen Yunjin and Wang Xiaobo attended the meeting.

At present, 16 branches of the NAIEC and 30 branches of the Ningbo Chamber of Commerce were set up in China, which have made large contributions for the economical and social development of their cities. The educational fund, established by all the branches of the NAIEC and the Ningbo Chamber of Commerce, has invested 2500 Ningbo poverty-stricken students for their educational expenses.

Liu Zhongli made the work report of the NAIEC at the meet. The meeting noted that the association should properly conduct the election, widely introduce talents and make sound consulting work, attracting more investment from overseas Ningbo merchants and give full play to the brand, service and information advantage of the “Ningbo Merchants”, safeguard their legal rights and interests, strengthen the propaganda work and further improve the influence and social status of the “Ningbo Merchants”.


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