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Park green space construction projects to be launched

It is learned from Ningbo Municipal Landscape & Gardening Department that in 2013, according to the "beautiful Ningbo" plan, Ningbo will accelerate the upgrading and transformation of the major landscape roads, avenues and surrounding green spaces in downtown areas. By integrating such elements as flower ornaments, small garden architectures and urban sculptures, Ningbo will make efforts to create the welcoming atmosphere for the main roads and demonstrate the local characteristics of Ningbo's landscape and gardening with the theme of "fashion port, green city".
It is said that in the new year Ningbo will speed up the ecological transformation of the urban green spaces with the aim of creating beautiful gardening ecology and elaborate urban landscapes. All the districts are expected to experiment with new plants on one to two roads and improve some featured sections of roads, creating different landscape effect for different roads. Meanwhile, the upgrading and transforming of the green spaces in some parks will be carried out to make them more in line with the natural and ecological requirements and more acceptable to people. 
A group of new projects of green space construction in parks will be launched in 2013. In the central urban area, the first stage of the riverside green space landscape project has been started and the preparatory work of other projects like the Sun-city Park, the Bonsai Garden and the riverside green belt in the Qinglin Bay Area will be carried out soon. To promote the economical, ecological and landscape gardening construction, Ningbo will focus on the construction of the vacant green spaces besides the major tasks of developing such 3D greening programs as water body greening and vertical greening. The greening of the idle lots caused by the rapid expansion of the urban area and the expansion of the developing framework makes it possible to solve the practical problems in the dead landscape spots.

The biggest concentrated transportation base put into use

The Beilun concentrated transportation one-stop comprehensive service base, with an investment of 530 million yuan, was put into use. The base mainly includes large parking areas and provides services of testing vehicles, repairing, transaction and fueling. As the largest concentrated transportation base, this base can hold 3,000 parking spaces, expecting to improve the order and environment of our city’s logistics market and environment and upgrade the transformation of the logistics. 
 Over 11,000 container trucks in Beilun District accounts for 80 percent of the trucks in the whole province, so the parking of so many trucks is a difficult problem. According an official in Beilun, this base in the first month has attracted nearly ten thousand trucks for its well-equipped facilities and low parking fees. During the Spring Festival, all trucks were parked in the parking area and the number of trucks parked in this base had exceeded 1,000. “This base has effectively solved the difficulty of parking trucks and complemented an important link in Beilun logistics, taking a necessary part of the port industry and promoting the development of industry cluster.”  
It is introduced that this base has firstly established the public logistics information platform. Through advanced Internet of Things technology and taking the high intelligent information system as the platform, this base has effectively integrated the ports, industry parks and logistics company through informationization and formed the fourth logistics operation platform meeting the needs of the concentrated transportation one-stop comprehensive service. After its completion, the base will become China’s most advanced and well-equipped concentrated transportation base, covering such three ports as Beilun, Daxie and Meishan.

50 new bus lines to be developed

Ningbo will bid for national Bus City in 2013

  As Ningbo is to bid for the national Bus City test site, a five-year action plan for reforming and developing the public transportation in Ningbo has been formulated. In 2013, 50 new bus lines will be developed, 600 new buses will be put into use and the public bicycle system will be started.

  The construction of national Bus City test sites is an important program of the Ministry of Transportation. 30 large and medium-sized cities will be selected as demonstration Bus Cities in the following five years.

Foreign investment exceeds 30 billion yuan in Ningbo

Ningbo has launched the three-year plan of the key development zone and takes advantage of the leading role of the foreign investment; the Invest in Ningbo· China came into operation and built a new bridge of business investment cooperation. Since 2013, Ningbo has continued to attract foreign investment and such three indicators as new foreigner investment projects, contracted projects and real foreign investment have increased in a comprehensive way. According to the Foreign Trade and Economic Bureau, by the end of January, the foreign investment has exceeded 30 billion dollars, reaching 30.23 billion dollars, accounting for 26.78 percent of the total.
The year of 2013 is the effective investment increase year set by the Ningbo municipal party committee and municipal government, and the foreign investment plays and important role. Facing to the severe situation of attracting foreign

Read more: Foreign investment exceeds 30 billion...

Urban construction in Jiangbei District

In four years old towns and villages of 4 million square meters were pulled down, and a new town as large as 70 square kilometers is under construction. Working with creative spirit, Jiangbei District is making drastic changes in urban construction.

In the past 10 years, Jiangbei District has been shifting from an "old industrial district, a district of vegetable production" to a district suitable for business, housing and one powerful in culture. Following the strategic guideline for the development of the "two river banks and three areas and towns", Jiangbei District is now a place undergoing large scale construction and a place perfect for investment.

Tremendous changes are taking place in Jiangbei in the past 10 years.

In the past 10 years, to be specific, in the past 4 or 5 years, the old residents of Jiangbei District would feel these changes, the changes brought about by the large scale land preparation and urban reconstruction and the integration of urban and rural areas.

Taking an aerial view or on the google map, you will see the tremendous changes: the core waterside urban area and the Cicheng satellite town northwest of the district, the district is now expanding.

4 million square meters of old buildings were demolished providing space for the new construction.

Read more: Urban construction in Jiangbei District


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