Copyright 2024 - Ningbo Life / Ningbo Expat

New Ningbo South Railway Station to complete in September

According to the headquarters of the construction of Ningbo South Railway Station, the new Ningbo South Railway Station is to be completed by the end of September and basically ready for operation. Then, the south square of the station and the four roads to the square will open.

The new South Railway Station is 258 meters wide, 245 meters long, and 39.25 meters high. The total height of the building is 45.0 meters. The floor area of the new station is 8 times the size of the old one. Despite the rainy season, the construction of the station is going on vigorously. "The South Railway Station project is in the final stage," said an authority of the project department of China Railway Construction Group.

It is learned that the internal decoration will take some time and therefore the station will not open until the decoration is finished.

Dancing in spring

On the afternoon of March 6, a fitness dancing competition in Baizhang Street of Jiangdong District was held in a park to celebrate the coming International Women's Day.

Cherry trees in full blossom

Visitors stroll under cherry trees in blossom in the Cherry Tree Base of Hengxi Town, Yinzhou District, on March 6. With the speedy rise of temperature recently, the cherry trees have blossomed two weeks earlier than in 2012.

SMEs vitalized by talents

Jiangbei District of Ningbo, SMEs account for 99% of the total of enterprises and they contribute to 90% of the GDP of the district. However, in the past, small and medium-sized enterprises are short of talents and inadequate in R&D and innovation. Hence the development in the long run is hindered. To address this issue, Jiangbei District has made active measures to establish a long-term mechanism for talent management so as to provide consultative services to the SMEs.

In 2012, Jiangbei District established a think bank of 10 experts. They have one-for-one relationship with related enterprises. So far, this work has achieved initial results. The think bank has information of over 200 experts.

Another measure Jiangbei takes is to organize free training programs to the SMEs, like the training program for engineers, the training program for building projects, and the training program for electromechanical technology. In addition, in 2012, Jiangbei District spent over 2 million yuan to open a 11-month training class of human resource management in Shanghai Jiaotong University. The district makes great efforts in an entrepreneur training project. In the past two years, 50 entrepreneurs were sent for EMBA programs and in 2012, another 13 entrepreneurs chosen for the program. In doing so, Jiangbei District has established a good platform for further studies of entrepreneurs.

Jiangbei District also makes "custom-made" services for SMEs, which include such services as employment information, free services for company brand promotion and so on.


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