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2013 China Zhejiang Import Goods Expo to open

2013 China Zhejiang Import Goods Expo is to open in Ningbo. At present the business invitation has made a great success. According to the news conference held on May 14, though the organization committee increased the number of exhibition stall from 500 to 900, all the stalls had been ordered out a month ago. So far, tens of thousands of commodities from over 30 countries and regions including Germany will exhibited in the expo. 
From June 8 to 11 will open 2013 China Zhejiang Import Goods Expo during Zhejiang Investment and Trade Symposium and the 10th China Ningbo Consumer Goods Expo. This year is the first year for 2013 China Zhejiang Import Goods Expo. The place for the Expo will be Hall 7 and Hall 8 in Ningbo International Conference and Exhibition Center, with the exhibition area totaling 16,800 square meters. From June 9 the expo will open for free to visitors. Hall 7 will be for commodities from Europe, America and Australia. Hall 8 will be for consumer goods from Asian countries and Taiwan, like household goods, clothes, medical and fitness products, food and agricultural products, electronic products, digital products, electromechanical equipment, and outdoor goods. 
The expo will consists of two parts: the exhibition and a series of themed activities including purchasing talks, new product promotion conference and so on. Over 250 famous-brand products of over 30 countries and regions including Germany, Italy and South Korea will be on display in the expo. 

Ningbo to celebrate International Museum Day

May 18, 2013 is the 37th International Museum Day, themed on "Museums(memory +creativity)=social change". Several museums like Ningbo Museum and Baoguo Temple Ancient Architecture Museum will host rich and colorful theme activities.

From May 18, 2013, Ningbo Museum will host the first Beautiful Museum Culture Festival. The festival will last until June 8, the 8th China Heritage Day. During the festival, a series of special exhibitions will open, including "Buddha's Grace Reappears for All", the Buddhist statue exhibition at Longxing Temple in Qingzhou of Shandong Province, "Rare Articles for Calligraphy", the Ming and Qing Stationery Utensils of Men of Letters in the South of the Changjiang River and so on. On May 18, Ningbo Museum will invite Gong Yingyan, doctorial tutor and Professor of History in Ningbo University, to give a lecture on "Ningbo and Maritime Silk Road". On June 7, Xu Jie, a specialist in Suzhou Museum, will give a lecture titled "Appreciation of the Rare Articles for Calligraphy". Besides those activities, a list of other activities will be organized, including a series of lectures on Ningbo as the "Historical and Cultural Introduction", "Walking Museum for Schools", "Charity Bazaar -- for Children", and some activities for the young and activities for museum volunteers, etc..

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ZJITS, CICGF and Open Forum to be held

From June 8 to 11, the 15th China Zhejiang Investment & Trade Symposium (ZJITS), the 12th China International Consumer Goods Fair (CICGF) and the 6th Open Forum will be held in Ningbo. It is learned from the press briefing held on May 8 by the organizing committee that the preparations are well under way. By May 7, 6,926 overseas visitors and 97 delegations from 60 countries and regions, as well as 6,570 domestic buyers have confirmed participation.

This year's ZJITS, ICIGF and Open Forum, with the theme of "deepening international cooperation, expanding opening advantage, and serving two-prosperity goal", will launch at least 42 major activities. Among them, there will be 8 "investing in Zhejiang" industry docking conferences, including Zhejiang marine economy and multinational corporations docking conference, tourist fair for beautiful Zhejiang construction with domestic and overseas clients, Zhejiang-Italy medical devices cooperation fair, and Zhejiang-Daegu auto parts enterprise cooperation fair, etc. There will also be 6 "going out" docking fairs, such as outward investment and cooperation meeting for Zhejiang private enterprises, China overseas trade cooperation district promotion meeting, promotion meeting for investments in Mexico, and promoting meeting for African investment and cooperation projects.

Ningbo History - Deliberate Release of Plague in Ningbo, Manchuria (1940)

Perhaps the most astonishing thing I noted when interviewing family members of American survivors of the Ningpo plague epidemic in 1940 was the resilience they expressed.  The can-do attitude reverberated from a horrific scene in then-Manchuria through the generations to a Starbucks cafe conversation over coffee.
We thank MD, HB, JW, GC, and the surviving American families who participated in our analysis of the 1940 plague attack in Ningbo, Manchuria.  Our work is dedicated to all of the Chinese victims involved in the biological warfare attacks of World War II.
On October 27, 1940, members of Japanese Unit 731 conducted a live test deployment of plague-infected fleas in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, a city south of Shanghai.
The 4th Division of Unit 731 (Production), with a staff of 50 to 70 personnel, was responsible for producing cholera, anthrax, typhoid, paratyphoid, and plague. The 4th Division achieved an operational output of 300 kilograms of plague per month. 
These agents were tested against live prisoners at Anda Station, which was located in Anda City, Suihua, HeilongJiang, China (131 km northwest of Harbin and 2,638 km north of Ningbo), as shown in Figure 1.

f The location of Anda Station Proving Ground, 131 km northwest of Harbin and the location of Unit 731’s main production facility.
Anda Station was a proving ground to determine optimal weapon configurations, meteorological conditions, and other parameters related to successful field deployment. At Anda Station, live Chinese prisoners were subjected to experimental infection by plague-infected fleas.
One experiment involved tying 10 to 15 prisoners to stakes and dropping up to 10 porcelain bombs from airplanes containing plague-infected fleas. At peak operations during the war, Japanese officers testified that 600 prisoners died per year during tests. 

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China Mould City Expo to be held

The 9th China Mould City Exposition will be held in Ningbo International Conference and Exhibition Center from May 24 to 27.

With 1500 booths, the exposition attracts over 600 enterprises from the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Japan, Switzerland, Italy and other countries and regions to exhibit over  1000 sets of advanced machine tool equipments of all top brands.


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