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Street Football competition - 20th & 21st July 2013

Ningbo Street Football Competiton


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2013 Tiger Beer Street Football competition - 20th & 21st July 2013 - To participate, please check out the flyer 

The winning team in the Ningbo City Final on July 21 will go on to compete in the East China region final in Hefei on September 1. Joining the Ningbo winning team in the East China region final will be other City champions from Wenzhou, Changzhou, Suzhou, Anqing and Hefei. 

The top three teams from the East China region final will then qualify to play in the China National Final in Guangzhou in November where USD 3,000 awaits the winner.

Exhibition hall for Guoju non-material heritage opens

Recently, the exhibition hall for Guoju non-material cultural heritage opens to the public for free. With three theme rooms and seven sections, the hall demonstrates the history and achievements of Guoju Town in Beilun District.

Women Scientific Workers to Realize China Dreams

A training class centering on innovation and the transformation of scientific achievements has been held by the Organization Department of Ningbo Municipal Party Committee, Ningbo Science and Technology Bureau, and Ningbo Women’s Federation. It has been learned from the Class that 45,000 women in Ningbo have achieved advanced professional title. They are realizing their China Dreams by means of science and technology.  
In recent years, women scientific workers have achieved a lot in innovation. Chen Ruoxia, an advanced agronomist from Ningbo Academy of Agricultural Science, devotes herself into the research of comprehensive management of alien species and prevention of agricultural pests. Her research has won 19 municipal scientific rewards and 6 patents.  
Yang Liping, director of the Organization Department, attended the opening ceremony of the Class and encouraged the women scientific workers to combine their scientific dreams with China Dreams, leading the scientific research and putting research achievements into practice. 

Jiangdong Offers Employment Platform for College Graduates

Recently, Miss Lu, a college graduates lived in Jiangdong, received several offers from enterprises including Fiocco Group with the help of the Jiangdong Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security by recommendation and two-way selection.

Jiangdong starts an employment plan named "Dreams Fly" for graduates this year. According to the plan, Jiangdong will set up a real-name file registration system for local college students with different employment intentions to help them find suitable jobs to the end of this year. At the same time, it will also offer nine general services including idea guidance, information transmission, talent identification, employment guidance, career advice, policy support, selection and recommendation, bi-directional selection and win-win strategy for freshmen in colleges.

In recent years, the employment of college graduates has become a hot topic of the society. Jiangdong launches a series of "measure combination", which makes a graduates entrepreneurship and employment of over 20,000 students and an overall employment rate of 98%

According to officials of the Jiangdong Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security, the highlights of the employment plan "Dreams Fly" are the real-name file registration system and the employment services for freshmen of college, which will minimize the factors of unemployment including long circle of job as well as lacking of employment guidance, internship and information.

Read more: Jiangdong Offers Employment Platform...

The Second Unified Procurement of Medical Supplies Finished

It has been learned from the Ningbo Health Bureau yesterday that the second centralized procurement of medical supplies, including 254 products in the fields of analgesics, artificial intraocular lenses , otolaryngology haemostasia materials, disposable endoscopy biopsy forceps and disposable oxygen suction device, has been finished. Prices of these products fall by as high as 32.5%, benefiting patients a lot. 
Among the 254 products from 50 suppliers, 128 products, 50.4% of the total, are domestic and 126 ones, 49.6% of the total, are imported. The domestic disposable endotracheal tube, purchased at 8 yuan, 24 yuan less than the lowest price in Zhejiang province, witnesses a decrease of 75%. The biggest price fall, 52.4%, of imported products goes to calcium lime, 50 yuan per kilo, 55 yuan less than the lowest price in Zhejiang province.
What benefits can the price fall bring to residents? According to a survey of a hospital, last year the medical supplies cost reached as high as 195.8million yuan, taking up 22% of the hospital’s overall cost. The profit the hospital could get from the supplies, however, was 3.97 million, with the benefit rate being only 2%. The profit has been largely taken by the production and circulation process. Last year, 30% of medical expenses of nearly 50,000 patients discharged from the hospital was for medical supplies. The percentage for patients who undertaken surgeries increased to 60%.  Thus, better procurement will control the medical cost, lowering the burden on patients and medical care system, according to the man in charge of the Health Bureau. Compared to last year’s procurement cost, which stood at 118 million yuan, this year the cost is estimated to decrease by 38.35 million yuan.


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