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9th Conference on Independent Innovation and Science and Technology Exchange and Cooperation Held in Cixi

The 9th Conference on Independent Innovation and Science and Technology Cooperation was held in Cixi, Zhejiang Province yesterday. Up to 200 latest research achievements from 10 colleges and institutes, including Zhejiang University and Harbin Institute of Technology, were exhibited in the conference, which attracted heads of 300 enterprises for consultation and negotiation.

In the conference, there were a great number of panels with illustrations and pictures on relevant research results, such as Automobile tail gas purification catalysts, nano-photocatalysis air cleaning device. Teachers from colleges and institutes had face-to-face talks with heads of enterprises on negotiation tables arranged by the organizing committee.  This conference mainly involved high-tech fields of equipment manufacturing, new materials, new energies, electronic information, medical devices, smart appliances, electromechanical integration, etc.

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Tuition-free postgraduate education to be ended

The universities and colleges in Zhejiang Province will begin to charge tuition fees for all its postgraduate students starting from the fall semester in 2014, announced the provincial price authorities on Wednesday. The detailed tuition standards were also published on its website. An official from Ningbo's Development and Reform Commission said, Ningbo will soon set its tuition scheme based on the principle of fairness and impartiality.

According to the announcement published by the Price Bureau of Zhejiang province, all newly matriculated postgraduates in universities of Zhejiang Province will be charged tuition fees starting from the fall semester of 2014. Under the new policy, yearly tuition fees for master's degrees and doctorates in academic

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New energy automobile sales rise

New energy-efficient vehicles purchases in Ningbo are on the rise, according to a recent survey on local automobile market. The city is expected to see a significant increase on new energy automobile sales as its subsidy policy for green vehicles will soon be issued.

"I've accepted over ten car orders so far, and around 100 car orders have been placed in the three stores of our company," said Tong, a sales assistant in a 4S store of a domestic brand automobile located in the No.1 Automobile Market. He said hybrid electric vehicle sells very well since it was launched last October. 

Read more: New energy automobile sales rise

Record number of passengers through Ningbo airport

The month of April brought three records to Ningbo Lishe International Airport. According to the airport management, the airport had handled a record number of 1,100 flights per week in April as it stared the summer and autumn flight schedule, an increase of nearly 20 percent compared to the same period last year, representing the city's largest increase in traffic handing capacity in three years. Meanwhile, both the passenger and freight traffic registered rapid growth. A total of 4,868 flights taking off and landing at the airport in April, up 23.6 percent year on year. A total of 573,400 passengers went through the airport, up 22.9 percent year on year. A total of 6953.1 tons of cargo and mails were handled, up 30.8 percent year on year. The three records indicates the airport has achieved the highest growth rate in nearly five years.

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New metro ticket fares announced

Municipal Price Bureau announced the fare scheme of its new metro line on Monday. 

According to the current policy, the final fare scheme implements a distance based fare system. The first four kilometers have one base of 2 yuan. An excess mileage fee will be charged for every kilometer beyond four. The ceiling fare for metro Line 1, with a total length of 20.9 km, will be 6 yuan.

To encourage the public use of public transportation, a reduced fare program is also adopted. The program offers free ride for the retired with honors, disabled military veterans, disabled police officers, and disabled citizens. Senior citizens (70 or older) are offered free ride during off hours and a half-price fare during peak hours on weekdays (7:00 to 9:00, 17:00 to 19:00). All full-time students in local primary, secondary schools and universities enjoy a 50 percent discount fares. A child less than 1.2 meters can travel for free with an adult passenger. Users of public transportation IC card can get a 9.5 percent off. Besides, the metro operator said they plan to offer more flexible reduced fare policies according to market demand.


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