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Off-season tour hot in year-end tourism market

The freezing temperature after the New Year's Day made many Ningbo citizens long for the warmth of sunshine and the beach. According to a survey conducted in major local travel agencies, the routes to Southern Hemisphere for the upcoming Spring Festival have witnessed a boom. Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa are hot destinations.

The period from December to the next February is said to be the perfect traveling season in the southern hemisphere. Australia is currently the hottest tourist destinations in the Southern Hemisphere. There will be non-stop charter flights from Beijing, Shanghai to Australia during the Spring Festival.

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State-owned enterprises take lead in Ningbo's economy

Ningbo's state-owned enterprises continued to be a "leader" in the field of infrastructure construction, industrial transformation and upgrading, and social and livelihood services in the past 2012. By the end of last month, the state-owned enterprises had totally invested over 30 billion yuan, with 21 billion yuan in major projects. The 11 major projects listed in the 2012 work plan have received a total investment of 10.007 billion yuan, accounting for 127 percent of the annual plan.

Ningbo continues to step up the construction of major projects. The state-owned enterprises undertook 51 major projects at municipal level, including 11 major projects in the 2012 work plan. Among these major projects, the South and North City Beltway are under construction. The Xiangshan Port Bridge, the new administrative center in Eastern Ningbo, the Waterfront of International Exhibition Center, and the underground parking garage of Baisha Park were completed and put into use. The Cultural Square project was nearly completed. The infrastructure construction in major areas and the key functional blocks are well under way. The livelihood projects including urban track transportation, Qincun Reservoir and natural gas projects are making notable progress.

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Ningbo companies eye emerging markets

The Annual Convention of Ningbo Foreign Trade Association was held on Tuesday. Representatives form nearly 200 foreign trade businesses participated in the conference, expressing their concern over the foreign trade situation in 2013.

Foreign trade businesses always show more sensitivity on the global import and export market. "We usually classify orders we obtained after October 2012 as orders in this year, and statistics show we are facing shrinking orders now," said Shu Yueping, the Chief Executive of Ningbo Guangbo Group. Wang Genhai, Chairman of Ningbo Zhongke Import & Export Co., Ltd. also said that the growing rate in the exports of all kinds of professional boots is slowing down.

Sang Baichuan, head of Institute for International Economics in the Foreign Economic and Trade University, said on Tuesday that the overall situation this year is not optimistic, but it will be better than 2012. Sang pointed out that Ningbo, as one of the first open trade region in China, will face more challenges. "China will shift its opening-up focus and continue to promote opening up in its inland areas this year."

Read more: Ningbo companies eye emerging markets

Imported cherries hot in market

With the Spring Festival drawing near, imported fruits like cherries and kiwi fruit entered their peak seasons. Statistics from Ningbo Fruits and Vegetables Wholesale Market showed that the wholesale price of fruits dropped sharply as imported fruits like cherries recently entered the market in large quantities.

"Cherry has been the favorite fruit for local consumers in recent years, and its price has been relatively high. As the harvest season of cherry arrives, its prices also dropped substantially. It is the best time to buy cherries now. The wholesale prices might go up again ten days before the Spring Festival, ” said a fruit wholesaler. Most of the cherries sold in Ningbo are imported from Chile and Australia.

In addition to cherries, the longan from Thailand and kiwi from New Zealand are also poplar with consumers. The wholesale price of longan from Thailand is priced about 15 yuan per kilogram, the price level similar to last year. As kiwi is to be out of season soon, the price is expected to go up slightly.

Waterway construction investment hit record high

Ningbo's water transport project completed a total fixed assets investment of 5.851 billion yuan, hitting a record high, said Ningbo Port And shipping Administration this Monday. Seven new dock berths with 10,000 tonne capacity was accomplished in 2012.

A number of key projects including Zhejiang LNG terminal pier, the No.10 and 11 berths in phase V of Beilun International Container Terminal, and Zhongzhai coal terminal were put into operation in 2012. To date, Ningbo boasts 92 productive dock berths with over 10,000-ton capacity and 23 large deep-water berths with over 100,000 tons capacity. The maximum berthing capacity reaches 45 tons.

The water transport infrastructure construction actively promotes the productivity of Ningbo Port. According to statistics from Ningbo Port And shipping Administration, Ningbo port handled cargo throughput of 451 million tons and containers of 15,673,000 TEUs in 2012, a year-on-year increase of 4.04 percent and 8 percent respectively.

It is reported that Ningbo will built 6 dock berths with over 10,000-ton capacity in Meishan International Container Terminal and liquid chemical wharf in Zhenhai Port in 2013. The move will add 1,635 million tons to its port handling capacity and 1.8 million TEUs in its annual container handling capacity.


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