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Economic statistics in Ningbo Port looking up

Ningbo Port maintained a rising trend by conducting the operation on foggy days and seizing the sources of foreign-trade coal products, against the background of gloomy external economic situation and sluggish recovery of the domestic economy. Statistics from Ningbo Port  and Shipping Management Bureau show that in the first half of 2013, the cargo throughput, container throughput and its growth rate of Ningbo Port rank among the top of the major domestic ports.
Statistics show that in the first half of the year, Ningbo Port realized the cargo throughput of 241 million tons, an increase of 8.42% over the same period last year. To be specific, it obtained the foreign-trade cargo throughput of 136.6182 million tons, an increase of 11.75%; and a total container throughput of 8.2722 million TEUs, an increase of 6%.
As the cargo throughput grew steadily, such bulk cargo such as coal, iron ore, and crude oil all showed a rising trend.
Subject to the overall situation of foreign trade, the container transport production in Ningbo Port was clearly affected. However, by adjusting the course layout and developing the water-water transit operations, the container throughput continues to increase. After further communication with the shipping companies, and optimizing and adjusting shipping layout, Ningbo Port now has 232 shipping routes, including 12 newly added or adjusted ones and 120 ocean routes. The monthly container flight amounts to 1340, up by 19.7%. The port continues to promote regional market development and operation, with a good start for Ningbo-Zhapu internal route and a rapid growth of transit business for Fuzhou sub-route. In terms of the Yangtze River line, the business volume of such companies as Cosco, CSCL, and Evergreen showed a rising trend.

It should be noted that in the first half of this year, the rail-sea intermodal transportation realized 49,000 TEUs of containers, up by 66.3%. The rail-sea transportation network now covers 11 cities, including such Zhejiang cities as Taizhou, Jinhua, Shaoxing and Quzhou, and such outside-province cities as Nancang, Shangrao, Yingtan, Jingdezhen, Pingxiang, Xinyu and Xi’an. Currently, there are 12 routes for container rail-sea transportation, including 4 regulated routes. Besides, the recovery of the regulated route between Ningbo and Yiwu is now well under way. 

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