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11th Housing Expo to open on Aril 12

The 11th Housing Expo, jointly hosted by China National Light Industry Council and Ningbo Municipal Government, is to open in Ningbo International Conference and Exhibition Center from April 12 to 15. According to the organization committee of the expo, it is the first housing expo to be open after the release of the detailed rules for the Five Regulations for the Real Property Market by the State Council.

Reportedly, The expo, with the theme of "Quality Housing and Quality Life", is to open in 6 exhibition halls in Ningbo International Conference and Exhibition Center, with 2,800 exhibition stalls, It has five exhibition areas for houses, building materials, decoration, furniture and housing utensils.

About 20 local and other real property businesses including Youngor, Poly, Zhonghai, Ningbo Real Property and Ningbo Yinyi Group will come to the expo, with over 30 commercial buildings, and most of them are in the hot zones in the Eastern New Town, Ningbo Southern Business District and New Town of Zhenhai.

Another important part of the expo is the housing products like home appliances, toilet appliances, kitchenware, floor, and furniture. It is learned that The expo will have over 1,000 brands from over 10 countries like USA, UK and France and from over 20 provinces and regions of China including Beijing, Shanghai and Zhejiang. To the expo will come over 20 house decoration companies.

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