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Ningbo Technological Talent Development Environment Summit held

So far, about 3800 doctors from both home and abroad have settled down in Ningbo. They are now working in the universities, enterprises, institutions and governments in Ningbo and are becoming an important force for the technological innovation and transformation of Ningbo. 
"It is a noticeable trend that the high-end talents in Ningbo are becoming younger. Most of the doctors are post-70ers and post-80ers," said Xu Dingbao, the Secretary General of Ningbo Doctor Association. Presently, the average age of doctors in Ningbo is younger than 40, who are mainly working in the fields of culture, education, and science. The annual growth is about 300 people. 
It has been a focus of Ningbo to gather high-end talents by introducing and training doctors. In recent years, Ningbo has made a series of measures to optimize talent development environment like building blue intelligent valley, making and implementing "3315 Plan", setting up talent management reform

experimental zone, and introducing and training leading and advanced talents. It integrates the resources of 25 departments and relies on the startup and innovation service league for high-end talents to provide mother-like service for the talents, which greatly increases Ningbo's reputation and attractiveness among the overseas talents. 
As the home of the doctors, the Doctor Association now has over 1500 members. "Doctor Association gathered the intelligence of Ningbo doctors, where people and teams from different disciplines and academic backgrounds cooperate with each other," said Xu Dingbao. In 2014, the association held several doctors' forums and doctors' salon. The doctors also provided services for the enterprises. In addition, they had intelligent cooperation with Lishui and Shanghai. Their vitality and influence keeps increasing. In 2015, the association will center on ocean economic strategy, port talent development, make scientific research, make efforts to innovate and start up business, and accelerate Ningbo's reform and development.

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