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Taxi by Alipay can get maximum ¥5 refund

Since September 15th, Ningbo taxies will use Alipay payment. During the promotion period, calling a taxi by any means of the phone-calling center and paying by Alipay can get 5 yuan refund. If you just call a taxi in the street, you will have 2 yuan reduction by paying with Alipay. Within a day, each passenger (Same ID, same Alipay account, and same mobile phone will be identified as the same passenger) can enjoy either of the promotions once. The promotion will last for a month.
If the drivers participate in the activity, they can enjoy either of the promotions for 5 times in a day. In other words, one driver can earn 35 yuan more if he uses Alipay in a day. 
The cooperation between phone-calling center and Alipay is regarded as the first step for Ningbo Taxi Phone-calling Center to open to the society. According to the officials from the Municipal Passenger Bureau, the openness of related fields will still increase, and the taxi service information will be exchanged and shared by the taxi companies and phone-calling operators. Meanwhile, a unified payment platform will be built for the convenience of the passengers who can choose ways like Alipay or citizen card.

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