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The Water Park trip is back this summer! 这个夏天水上公园回来啦!

ningbo waterpark eventDo you still remember the water park last summer? Did you have great time? Why not cool yourselves down again this summer?你还记得去年的水上公园么? 你玩得开心么? 这个夏天为什么不一起再次来清凉下呢?

Are you tired of documents and endless calls? The water park is in Fenghua will be a paradise and has shown a big welcome. So be ready to put yourselves in the world of water and joy! 你是已厌倦了大量文件或是无数的电话。那么奉化的白龙潭将会是一个天堂,也热诚地欢迎你的到来。那么让自己准备好享受水的世界和乐趣吧!

Time时间: July 28th 7月28号
Location地点: Bailongtan Waterpark, Fenghua奉化白龙潭
Special Package Price优惠价: 160 RMB per person (includes wave pool, swimming pool, slides, lazy river, shower, etc.), bus, raft, tramway, spring, bed bungee, insurance.每人160车,保险等都包括 (孩子145RMB)

Alisa Chan, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
139 5784 1323/1358 6949 385( Please e-mail me your name and your phone number before July18th! Please call me if you have any question. 请在7月18号前联系ALISA。有什么问题也可以随时打电话。)


a) Meet at round Starbucks in Tianyi at 9:00am, or Starbucks in Wanda at 9:30am上午9点天一星巴克,9:30万达星巴克
b) Arrive at the water park at 10:30am 到达水上公园
c) 10:30-12:00am change and get to know the park换衣探索水上公园
d) 12:00-1:00am lunch (Please bring your own food and drinks请自己带食物)
e) 1:00-4:00pm enjoy the park 尽情享受水上公园带来的乐趣
f) Return at 4:00pm返回

The water park is located in the quiet county of Fenghua. The hills and water-views embrace the place. After a bus ride of 1 hour and 30 minutes, the natural landscape will be around you. 水上公园位于一个安静的镇,奉化。它由山水环绕。在大约1个半小时的车程后,大自然将映入你眼帘。

You see? It's the No.1 water park in real mountains and natural reservoir, with an area of about 100,000 square meters. The view is splendid. The equipment includes bathing, swimming pool, wave pool, water slides, lazy river, etc.这是在大自然中的第一个水上公园,它大约有100,000平方米。视野及佳。它有游泳池,波浪池等。

Please bring extra clothes because you’ll get wet easily! 因为很容易打湿,请自带衣服!
Please deposit your valuables such as bank card, cell phone, camera and cash etc. 请存好你的贵重物品,比如银行卡,手机,相机,钱等。

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