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Today Bailu Qiu days

Source 2012-9-7 8:55:16 Ningbo Evening News
Today is the twenty-four solar terms in the White Dew. The Bailu with temperatures decreased rapidly, start rolling autumn sunshine plummeted obvious characteristics, profoundly reflects the transition from summer to autumn season. At this time, people will obviously feel the hot summer has passed, and cool autumn has arrived. The daytime temperature is still three to ten degrees Celsius, but the night after, down to twenty degrees Celsius, the temperature difference between the two is more than ten degrees Celsius. Farming proverb says "the Bai Louqiu points night night cool night", is the meaning.
  The arrival of the typical autumn weather, the public should heart Qiuzao wounding. However, the good news this season is the listing of a variety of fruits, edible fruit add moisture, but also pay attention to some tips. For example, after a meal to eat apples helps digestion, but Apple is rich in carbohydrates and potassium, eating too much is not conducive to the heart, kidney health, coronary heart disease, diabetes patients should not eat. Pear cough, phlegm and Qingzao of, but it's not low sugar content, diabetic patients should be eaten in moderation. Persimmon contains a lot of elements such as vitamins A, C, and the buck stop bleeding, heat Runchang effect, but the fruit contains a lot of persimmon plastic phenol and pectin, to meet with the acid will condense into fibrous clumps, so constipation were cut. and it is not the same food with crab, potato. The pomegranate is a fruit of the hot and humid, dysentery, pharyngitis effect, but the hot Shensi, good physique people should not eat.

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