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Ningbo Electric Power Company issued proposal for power use

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One million pieces of Recommendation Papers for Households issued by State Grids Ningbo Electric Power Company have been delivered to the hands of every citizen since February 28. The company has been issuing this kind of guidelines for using electricity solely to citizens for five consecutive years.
The paper not only tells the electricity quantity and charge of 2014 but also contains information including the total electricity consumption, charge, average monthly consumption and the average charge of the whole year. Besides, it also gives a clear picture of the information such as the monthly electricity consumption, consumption between on-peak and off-peak times, proportion of off-peak consumption, ladder-type consumption and average electricity price.
Meanwhile, the paper also gives correspondent advice to every citizen of how to use on-peak and off-peak electricity as well as the proportion of using electricity during off-peak times. Good suggestions were also sent to the households which have a bigger demand for electricity consumption and used the electricity of ladder 2 and 3. Apart from these, it also introduces some of the practical information about the policy of ladder-type electricity prices, ways of preventing an electric shock and investigating the power-off on one’s own.

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