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Holiday rainy high-speed car crash again and again

Source 2012-6-25 8:45:37 Ningbo Evening News
  Small holiday period, high-speed traffic is greatly increased, and the continuing impact of the past few days heavy rainfall weather, highway Ningbo section of the amount of accidents increased significantly. Types of accidents are mostly rear-end collision and bicycle hit a guardrail accident.
  According to the statistics of the high-speed traffic police Ningbo Detachment Command Center Alarm records, the first day of the small holiday highway Ningbo area of traffic accidents 29 cases, of which, the bicycle hit the guardrail accident, rear-end accident from the total of the accident more than usual the past four times. Hangzhou Bay Bridge, for example, the 22 day and 23 accidents involving vehicles of more than 70 vehicles. Fortunately, the accident caused no casualties.
  It is understood that before the holidays, high-speed traffic police had to do the preparation to cope with large traffic flow through the media, radio, microblogging and other information channels to drivers in high-speed driving, route choice to make a lot of Tips . However, some motorists with car too close, free to change lanes and other uncivilized driving habits and therefore cause a lot of minor incidents. Fortunately, high-speed traffic police disposed of in a timely manner, did not pass to bring a big impact on the highway.

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