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Speeches held to promote enterprises’ development

 The 8718 platform, a platform designated to help Ningbo’s micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, launched a training program recently. And the first speech, given by Liu Qiming, a professor of Tsinghua University, on the topic of China business strategy and brand marketing will be held on August, 20. 
     Since the establishment of the platform, the daily received training needs totaled to no less than 100 pieces. Although many government departments such as the education bureau have launched a certain number of training programs, there are still many unmet needs due to varies of restrictions. In face of this circumstance, the training program will integrate governmental and societal resources to promote the training of talents and the upgrading of companies’ management.
    The training contents will cover company’s management enhancement, governmental policies interpretation and development experience exchanges, and the speeches will be held once a month. It will include such forms as lessons, speeches, leadership guidance, directed by senior officers of municipal-level enterprises, experts of various fields as well as senior management trainers.

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