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Ningbo ranks high in Zhejiang in consumption

According to the quarterly statistics of economy of Ningbo, it is preliminarily estimated that the GDP amounts to 129.02 billion yuan. Calculated by comparable price, the GDP increases by 7% over the same period of last year, with the growth rate 3.4 points lower than the same period of the last year. An analysis of Ningbo Statistics Bureau shows that despite the impact of the insufficient demand and internal adjustment and the pressure from economic decline, Ningbo is maintaining a gradual recovery of its economy.

The income of citizens grows faster than that of GDP.

In the first quarter of this year, the income of urban and rural residents grows faster than that of GDP. The statistics show that the urban per capita disposable income reaches 12,302 yuan, 13.0% more than the previous year. On inflation-adjusted basis, the income rises by 10.2%. The per capital cash income of the rural residents reaches 6,676 yuan, 13.5% more than same period of the previous year. In real terms, the income rises by 9.3%.

An analysis of Ningbo Statistics Bureau shows that the wage income and transfer-payment income are still the major source of the growth of the income of urban residents. The growth of the income of rural residents is mainly attributed to the considerable growth of the old-age pension, stock interest and rental income. The growth rate of these non-productive incomes is as high as 21.2%.

The slowing down growth of CPI and notable price reduction of houses.

In the first quarter of this year, the CPI increases by 2.5% against the same period of the proceeding year. It drops by 3.1 and 2.8 against the same period of the previous year and the average of the year.

Thanks to the control policies by the central government on the real estate market, the house price is declining in the first quarter this year. According to the State Statistics Bureau's report of the price movement of houses of 70 cities in March, the price of new houses and that of second-hand houses drop respectively by 1.7% and 0.4% on the monthly base. And on the yearly base, the prices drop by 3.2% and 4% respectively, a record fall this year

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