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New Energy Reservation System to be promoted in Ningbo

The New Energy Resources Application and Promotion Forum, the sub-forum of the sixth China Open-up Forum, was held on the afternoon of June 8th. It is believed that new energy resources has become a new energy alternative around the world.  

New energy resources, in contrast to the traditional energy in exploring and applying ways, mainly refer to solar energy and wind power.

“Traditional energy are limited due to such factors as areas, resources and environment. In the next 20 to 30 years, the need for energy will double. ”Liang Zhipeng, vice director from National Energy Administration, said that priority should be given to explore new energy resources.

It has been learned that Ningbo will provide free service for the photovoltaic power generation project and speed up bringing in new energy resources. And new energy reservation system will be promoted to address problems of generation instability and to save power. It is estimated that 30% to 40% power will be saved every year.

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