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Industrial economy shows signs of recovery

The economy report released by Ningbo Economy and Information Commission shows that from January to November, enterprises above the designated size have achieved an industrial added value of 192.82 billion Yuan (30.92billion USD), up by 3.7% over the same period of last year. With an increasing rate of 3% higher than the export sales, the home sales of industrial products take up 77.1% of the total sales.
From January to November, the industrial total output value is 1,079 billion Yuan, the sales value 1,047 billion Yuan and the export delivery value 239.6 billion Yuan, down by 0.1%, 1.3% and 3.6% respectively. The output sales value achieves 97%, down by 1.2% over the same period. From January to October, the amount of profit and tax of enterprises above the designated size totals 82.97 billion Yuan and the amount of profit 39.13 billion Yuan, dropping by 14.7% and 25.5% respectively.
Export delivery value of the enterprises above designated size from January to November hits 239.61 billion Yuan, down by 3.6% over the same period and up by 1.5% compared with that of last month. With a positive growth in two consecutive months of the year, the export delivery rate of November increases at 9.8%, up by 9.2% than that of last month. The home sales amount from January to November reaches 807.54 billion Yuan, down by 0.6% over the same period and up by 1.0% over last month.
The export-oriented Ningbo industry is vulnerable to sluggish markets. In recent years, seizing the national favorable policies of expanding domestic demands, Ningbo enterprises turn to domestic markets. With a yearly increasing rate of home sales, industrial home sales has achieved 76.8%, up by 5.7% over 2006, lowering the influence of insufficient export. 
Ningbo brand enterprises have succeeded in expanding the domestic markets, with sales taking up 35% of the sales output value of enterprises above the designated size. Sales of 209 industrial products rank among the first three in China and sales of 135 products rank first. 
   From January to October, the technological expenditure of enterprises above the designated size is 11.32 billion Yuan, up by 13.3% over the same period and 16.8% higher than the increasing rate of the main business income. 1689 products have been patented, up by 26.5% over the same period of last year. From January to November, the new products output value of enterprises above the designated size reaches 214.88 billion Yuan, up by 9.0% over the same period and with an increasing rate of 9.1% higher than that of the output value. The output value rate of new products hits a record high of 19.9%, 1.7% higher over the same period.

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