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"Smart mountaineering" system launched in Ninghai

On March 23, the "smart mountaineering" system, the first of its kind at the county level in China, was launched in Ninghai County, serving as a brand-new "Internet plus" manager for the mountain climbers to solve various kinds of problems while walking on the hiking trail. "This Internet-oriented system takes the lead in the sports field of our country, and it sets the precedent for all sports items nationwide." said Feng Jianzhong, Deputy Director of the State Administration of Sports. 

As is reported, the "smart mountaineering" system is developed by the sports department of Ninghai County as a supporting project for the national hiking trail system in the county. As a new achievement based on the mobile Internet, this system is a great application of the "Internet plus" concept in the sports field. The new platform for trial use, including a series of systems such as the mobile client application, the Wechat public number, the portal website and the administration platform, will serve as a smart manager for the mountain climbers and tourists. The application has such blocks as "my position", "climbing routes", "climbing navigation", "scenic spots" and "specialties" to provide the climbers and tourists the information on routes, scenic spots, campsites, farm restaurants, hotels and food. Besides, the recommendation and plan of the popular routes and the navigation function of the application not only provide all-around smart mountaineering services, but also facilitate the group management. 
For the next stage, Ninghai County will make full use of the information methods to provide more convenient and fast services through the third-party socialized operation and further improve the outdoors safety and rescue system as well as the social service system. "The smart mountaineering system is an extension of the industrial chain and service chain of the outdoors leisure and sports tourism. By connecting all the countryside tourist resources of the county, such as the scenic areas and farm restaurants, we can provide systematic, precise and smart services to the tourists, and the 'offline' hiking trail economy will be further developed." said a related person in charge from Ninghai County Government

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