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Students from Ningbo Huamo School visiting Tengtou

A group of 4th graders at Ningbo Huamo International School visited Tengtou Village, a "AAAAA" tourist side to get a closed look at environmental issues and modern solutions.

pictures and the "essay" of one of the students. Maayaan, the winner of the Pizza at ANGELO"S MAerican Pizza Ningbo.

read it here



By: Maanyaa Jain

For an excursion our class went to a village called “Tengtou”. We went there because right now we are learning about the environment and pollution. Tengtou happens to be an eco-friendly village.

Tengtou is a very clean place with approximately 800 families. It is a self-governing town which means that the people are living from the tourist attractions. For example, they get ¥20 for an entrance fee and then that money goes to the city. 

This town didn’t start like this. A long time ago, this soil wasn’t good for farming. There wasn’t too much nature and it was pretty ugly, but after a lot of work and effort, VOILA! It looks like the perfect place to live. There isn’t much technology and it isn’t too modern, but the air is clean, the water is pretty and the soil is great for farming.

Tengtou is a great example to show china what it can be. In Tengtou, they show that you DON’T have to use soil to plant stuff. In a small green house, they have planted seeds above the ground in small jars filled with water. They look very healthy. Tengtou’s seedlings are also exported all over the world. They are little already-grown-plants in little jars. You take them and put them in the ground (or water) and they will grow.

This town also has eco-friendly buildings. The walls outside the building have ivy grown on them. They look really pretty. The elevators are energy saving and have special motors. If there is a lake outside the building, the energy of the water will go in the pipes under the water and will take it inside the building. There are some solar-panels on the roof. Some walls are made out of old boats! Instead of only roofs, they have balconies or green houses.

Tengtou is a great place to go to. The architecture and scenery is FABULOUS!!! It’s also a very educational and cultural place. You’ll be HAPPY to go there. You’ll feel fresh. In two words: COOL PLACE!!!!

Thank you for this nice write-up

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