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Manufacturers Try to Brand Household Electric Appliances

Based on network marketing and cross-border E-commerce, Cixi manufactures plan to build big brands for household electric appliances through partner-funding, resource collecting and brainstorming. 
Despite of the advantage that household electric appliance business, worth roughly hundreds of billions, has long been topping the four traditional competitive industries in Cixi, which enjoys its position as one of the three biggest household electric appliance production bases in China with a sophisticated eco-chain, the vacancy of famous local brands to compete Medi or Haier is the nagging pain for the government and Cixi enterprises. 
However, spring for development is coming since the roadmap for the future of manufacturing and internet, the "Made in China 2025" plan, was unveiled.  At issue is how to set the big-brand-producing machine in motion. To support the toe-dipping of Household electric appliance manufacturers, a new crowd-funding company is to start in the spotlight. On the afternoon of June 5, an information exchange attended by leaders from government departments, staff from E-commerce companies and over 30 heads of manufacturing plants was going on in a warm atmosphere. Advice and ideas were offered. 
It is learned that the new company is to build profound links between suppliers, operating and brand management via the partner meeting---decision making committee--- operation team ----products group model. Competitive products, good offers and market reputation are to be aimed at. It plans to invest 10 million in the first phase to leverage 30-50 million, might reaching the selling of 2-3 billion yuan in the first year. . 
 “The wiser option is to walk away from fighting alone and to co-build a healthy new brand with an open mind, or narrow-mindedness would finally lead to struggling in running niche brands faced with ever more fierce market competition. Holding at least 1% shares of Xiaomi is far greater than having a wholly-owned brand with zero value. Thus I expect more local manufactures with premium products would join the group and grow with us together,” said the Yu Xuehui, president of the Cixi E-business Association and initiator of the exchange. 
The manager of Huitong Electric Appliance Yu Dan is considering to join the group. She believes products are the core competitiveness of a company thus we need to contribute in manufacturing good products to build a local big brand. Tian Xiaofeng, manager of Ningbo Rococo Creative, said, “Before joining in a new brand, we should see who our partners are and how we are going to co-operate the brand. In an age when the value of brand loyalty is diluting, we must be clear about our core competiveness and use it to win market reputation. “
Gong Jihong, head of the Bureau of Economic and Information, pointed out that it is the best timing for Cixi household electric appliances industry. He hopes manufactures in Cixi could seize the opportunity for diversifies development and join hands in building local big brands. Besides, he claimed that the government is discussing how to support the appliance-branding projects

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