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Italian-style project settles in Beilun

News from the press conference held in Ningbo Binhai New Town, Italy-funded Oriental Blue Bay project was settled in Beilun, which would build up areas both for business and entertainment along Meishan Bay.  
   Senator Palani, Consul General De Luca of the Consulate General of Italy in Shanghai as well as Pascal Popovich, the chief representative of Italian Trade Commission - I.C.E. Shanghai Office and the president of Italy Blue Bay Co. Ltd toured around Ningbo several days ago, accompanied by Liu Qi, the party secretary of Ningbo and Chen Lixing, the party secretary of Beilun as well as some other high officials.
    It is introduced that the project, based on the Italian tourism harbor style, will build Binhai New Town into an Italian city integrating such functions as tourism, leisure and vacation. The phase-I project, the Italian brand street, with an building area of 350,000 square meters and an investment of 3.5 billion yuan, will house 260 brands (which are mainly Italian brands) and other industries such as catering industry and handicrafts industry etc, supported by such facilities as opera houses, cinemas, libraries and other entertaining facilities. The project is planned to be started this year and completed at the end of 2015.
In addition, the project will also include a landmark hotel with a height of no less than 150 meters, affiliated with a yacht dock with 300-400 berths, an aquarium, a yacht industrial park and other entertaining facilities.
On the press conference, the agent of Luciano Pavarotti’s wife, who is also in charge of the project, and Beilun government signed the contract and named the opera house after the name of Pavarotti. Later, the branch of China Construction Bank in Ningbo and the administrative committee of Meishan Free Trade Zone also held the signing ceremony to promote marine economy together.

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