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Fenghua to promote ecological development of Siming Mountain

It is learned from the leading office of the Ecological Development Work of Siming Mountain In Fenghua County that the county has arranged for the implementation of the supporting funds for 14 ecological development projects. It requires the departments concerned to accelerate the preparation, simplify the approval procedure and optimize the bidding links, to ensure the completion of the projects within the year in Xikou Town. 
With the full coverage of the Siming Mountain area, Xikou Town is the only town in Fenghua County to be listed among the towns and streets in Siming Mountain area for ecological conservation. Recently, the municipal government issued 83 ecological development projects for 2015, and 14 were for Fenghua County. The municipal finance has allotted a special fund of 24.39 million yuan for the 14 projects, and requires the county to supply the same sum of fund. The projects include the ecological restoration of the Siming Mountain area, village environment improvement, tourist landscape improvement and resettlement of the former mountainous residents. Except for several expansion and continued programs, most are new construction projects. 

It is reported that the projects are mainly tailored for the target of "forest construction in Xikou" and "cottage construction in Xikou". Some projects are related with "forest construction", including the modern flower forest industrial complex, the landscape forest improvement, the precious seedling planting, and the beautiful forest village construction. And some are for the "cottage construction", such as the featured cottage supporting project of Bamboo Village, the "slow life" experience facilities project of the 36 Bay Village, the featured farmhouse and supporting project of Mingxi Village, and the farmhouse improvement project of the Ancient Yantou Village. While other projects, like the White Pine Industrial Demonstration Area project, are also related with the two feature construction targets. 
Among others, the most significant project is the modern flower forest industrial complex. With a total investment of 185 million yuan, the project will be completed in six years. With the high-quality seedling exhibition and sales base, the quality flower seedling trading center and the isolated area for imported seedlings, the complex will have such functions as seedling planting, research and development, creative seedling cultivation, exhibition and trading, viewing and tourism, and comprehensive services. It will play an important role to the seedling industry and the tourist economy of Xikou Town and even the whole Fenghua County. So far, the preparation work of the project has been launched, and the investment this year will reach 4.98 million yuan

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