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Ningbo's cultural foreign trade blooms

According to the economic statistics of the first three quarters issued by Ningbo Statistics Bureau, Ningbo realized a cultural trade volume of 9.595 billion yuan, up by 2.6% over the same period of last year. In recent years, in addition to product export, Ningbo's culture trade has made efforts to expand the overseas market by exporting cultural contents and conducting overseas acquisition.

Over the past few years, the government and the municipal party committee have attached great importance to the cultural trade work by making it the starting point for optimizing the foreign trade structure and promoting economic transformation. The supporting policies and funds have helped the outbound cultural enterprises to grow. A large number of leading cultural exporters have been cultivated, including the Dafeng Industry, Guangbo Group, Helen Piano, Soundking Group and Xuanyi Network, whose export volume accounts for about 65% over the core cultural product and service export volume of the whole city, serving as an important force for the cultural foreign trade in Ningbo. From 2015 to 2016, nine enterprises of Ningbo were included in the national list of the key cultural exporters, accounting for one third of the total in Zhejiang Province, and four were identified as the provincial key cultural exporters. Plus, 17 enterprises are selected as the key cultural exporters at the municipal level this year.

Ningbo's cultural foreign trade has developed rapidly with those leading enterprises. In 2015, the total cultural export volume stood at US$1.883 billion, with the volume of such core cultural products as stationery, toys, musical instruments, amusement equipment and entertainment products reaching US$1.035 billion, accounting for 52.2% of the total, and that of the art and crafts products accounting for 30.67%. Meanwhile, there are various forms of cultural foreign trade. The cultural enterprises have developed new channels and ways for spreading the cultural services by seizing all the chances available

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