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Television ads help promote the city's image

Starting from September 15, a 30-second TV commercial named "Scent of Ningbo" is broadcasting on

20:54 in CCTV channel 1.

The TV commercial was filmed in 2012 to boost the city's image and attract more visitors. The

commercial focus on four aspects of Ningbo, namely, "scent of books", "scent of rice cakes", "scent

of fish ", and "scent of love". Using a romantic cross-cultural love story as its plot line, the TV

commercial won public praise by displaying the beauty of Ningbo’s culture, cuisine, scenery and

people at the same time.

The latest version of the TV commercial also added new changes happened to Ningbo in recent years.

The 30-seconds commercial shows the traditional attractions like hometown of Chiang Kai-shek, statue

of Maitreya Buddha, Xiangshan Shipu Fishing Harbor, Qiantong the Ancient Town, Asoka Temple. It also

displays the modern side of Ningbo, including the downtown scenery and modern parks. It also

includes Ningbo delicacies like seafood, Tangtuan, rice cakes and other specialties. The TV ads

tells the viewers that Ningbo is a city that worth visiting and tasting by heart.

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