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Ningbo’s “Ningbo Gathering Happiness, Good Neighborliness and Friendship”

theme activity was launched

At the event site, the modern opera version of “Slow Voice” of the multinational group “Encloses Fans” with its strength.


Distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors, and a harmonious neighborhood atmosphere is a symbol of the warmth of a city, and from “strange neighbors” to “good neighbors”,

a “community neighborhood activity” is needed to connect. In order to implement the concept of “taking neighbors as companions and being kind to neighbors”, share neighborly affection, build a better home, and strive to promote the empowerment and efficiency of grassroots governance, on the morning of July 9, the launching ceremony of the 2024 Ningbo “Ningbo Gathering Happiness, Good Neighborliness and Friendship” theme activity was held in the Cultural and Sports Center of Gaoqiao Town, Haishu District.


The “Ningbo Network Service Link Card” was officially released


Ningbo government manages to create a more harmonious and friendly social environment, and send more care to the people in need in the community. On the same day, with the theme of “Visiting Hundreds of Families, Knowing Hundreds of Families, Solving Hundreds of Worries, and Warming the Hearts of Hundreds of Families”, community secretaries, social workers, and grid members from Yinzhou, Haishu, and Jiangbei launched the “Four Hundred” visit initiative on the spot, which received positive responses from everyone. At the scene, the “Yongwang Service Link Card” was officially released, and the small “Link Card” not only printed with the contact information of each grid member, but also residents can scan the QR code to obtain relevant information about the community. The front of the card is marked with a QR code, and the back includes commonly used livelihood phone numbers, and the contact information of the community, property, family doctor, community police, etc. is clear at a glance. An exclusive “Link Card” for Ningbo residents came into being, which will “walk” into thousands of households, weave a “service bond”, and protect the happy life of residents at all times.

At the event, Tesh Sharif, a multinational group of foreign drama teachers from Ningcheng Community, Fuming Street, Yinzhou District, and Luo Zihan, an 8-year-old partner, brought a modern opera version of “Shengsheng Slow”. Ningcheng Community is the first international talent community in Ningbo, and in order to increase the sense of community belonging of foreign residents, the community has opened intangible cultural heritage courses such as traditional Chinese medicine, tea art, pottery, and Ningbo opera, so as to promote the exchange and integration of Chinese and foreign cultures in a silent way, and become a vivid practice of Ningbo to create a new pattern of international community governance of co-construction, co-governance and sharing.


Creating a “beneficial” future - help the community governance construction project to land and sign.


At the same time, Haishu District has launched a number of high-quality, innovative and effective community development and governance projects around the key work of “sending policies to help development and services to the community” - “two sends” action and the construction of community charging stations. At the scene, creating a “benefit” future - helping community governance construction projects to land and sign, including “Liuzhuang speed” to boost the “replacement of old household appliances”, community charging station “pile” guard, urban and rural integration and mutual aid alliance, Changleli-Silver Age Housing “Cook”, “Sunny Ploughing and Rain Reading” neighborhood integration, “Joy and Harmony” co-creation of six major projects, so that the Huimin project can take root and make the changes palpable.

Zhang Yingjun, deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee and deputy director of the Management Committee of Ningbo Airport Economic Demonstration Zone, and member of the party group of Haishu District Government, said in his speech that Haishu District will take this event as a new starting point to continue to enhance the “neighborhood cohesion” of good governance in the whole region, strive to promote the upgrading of community life quality, and provide more Haishu practices for social work in the city and even the province.


“One square meter” space visiting plan for the community was released.


While satisfying residents’ needs for neighborhood socialization, how to connect the overall pattern of “good neighborliness and friendship” grassroots governance? The day’s launching ceremony gave the answer. Volunteers, residents, property owners, and community representatives used “one square meter” as the medium to release the “one square meter” space visit plan of the community, and invited the people of the city to “visit the door”. Accommodating various spaces such as community art galleries, community shared gardens, community gyms, and even community cafes and community handicraft workshops, 150 villages in Ningbo have joined the program so far, creating an interactive space for everyone to chat, interact, sit and drink tea, cheer for home, and enhance the feelings of neighbors.

In addition, to encourage more social forces to participate in community governance, jointly create a more beautiful and livable living environment, and make the society more harmonious, all districts (counties, cities) actively planned 12 unveiling projects, which were released at the event site, and made every effort to promote the high-quality development of social work in Ningbo.

Sun Xiaoxiong, Deputy Secretary-General of the Ningbo Municipal Party Committee, Minister of the Social Work Department, and Secretary of the Two New Working Committees, said that the Ministry of Social Work is doing mass work, and it is necessary to firmly follow the mass line of the party in the new era, focus on serving the masses, serving the grassroots, serving development, and serving the overall situation, comprehensively integrate social resources, fully activate the grassroots good governance cells, comprehensively improve the ability to serve the people, comprehensively strengthen team building, sing the chorus of social work, gather the great synergy of grassroots governance, and contribute more to Ningbo’s “striving for first-class, creating a model, and writing a new chapter”


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