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Romonu Park to be put into trial operation from June 19

Romonu Park will be put into trial operation starting June 19, and all of the park's 32 recreational facilities will be opened to the public. The park will begin to feature a variety of live performances for tourists. 

With an investment of more than 5 billion yuan, Romonu Park covers a total area of 84,000 square meters and a construction area of 200,000 square meters. The park consists of a 57-meter-high egg-shaped indoor amusement park, and an outdoor "legendary island". The park is the biggest urban indoor themed amusement park in the world. 

The park features 32 recreational facilities, over 30 restaurants, and more than 20 themed shops. Performances feature during the park's opening include many as 47 cover bands, stage shows, magic shows, children's dramas, and themed character shows. 

The park has invested 700 million yuan to construct first-rate facilities from all over the world, and features a 360-degree "intelligent control" system to guarantee tourists' safety. 




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