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Service Industry Promoted in an All-around Way

“Confidence is the key to ‘start a new undertaking’. We must build confidence and fully engaged in ‘starting new undertakings’. Recently, the party committee and government of Hushan street invited 13 enterprises that are engaged in the local traditional service industry, new innovation industries and newly introduced commercial industry to express their determinations on the symposium themed to realize the leapfrog development in the service industry .
Located in the downtown of Cixi, Hushan Street possesses rich cultural heritages, assembling services, various industries and mature functional zone. In the past year, its added value of service industry reached 5.1 billion yuan, with year-on-year growth of 8.8 percent, accounting for 93 percent of GDP and taking up an eighth of the whole city's services. In the first half of this year, its added value of service industry amounted to 2.7 billion, with year-on-year growth of 8 percent. Facing depressed real estate market, sluggish hotel & lodging industry and slowing wholesale and retail industry growth, service industry in this street still developed rapidly, providing a strong support for economic development.

In the symposium, people analyzed the severe situation in current street service industry and discussed such problems as “How to break bottleneck in developing modern service industry”, “Introduce more talents in service industry” and “How should the second generation of entrepreneurs inherit and develop service industry”. Zhao bainian, general manager of Jiashulin Landscape Engineering Co., Ltd, Cao Jianbo, general manager of second-hand market, and vice-general manager of Cixi Yintai Commercial Management Co., Ltd thought that in spite of the downturn in economic situation and difficulties in service industry, entrepreneurs should persist in confidence and endeavor. Facing the new situation, entrepreneurs must boost confidence, sublate traditional pattern and overcome development bottleneck timely with knowledge, wisdom and technology. At the same time, the government and relevant departments should greatly support service industry in talents introduction, financing, land and revenue to help enterprises overcome the current difficulties. On the spot, principals of banks, IRS, LTB and market supervision said they will give enterprises their full support.

The service industry is quite important for Hushan’s economy, so it’s essential to find ways to promote the rapid and sound development of the modern service industry. Miao Libo, secretary of the Party Committee of Hushan Sub-district Office, put that Hushan should attach more importance to the modern service industry, create good environment for those who “start a new undertaking”, make efforts to “attract investment and talents” to improve the quality and efficiency of the service industry. In addition, the office shall mobilize the whole society to participate in the activity to “attract investment and talents” to introduce e-commerce, modern commerce, innovation research and other key industries, attract more high-end talents and teams, cultivate new economic growth points to stimulate the rapid and sound development of economy. At the same time, he encouraged the old and the new entrepreneurs to be aware of the importance of teamwork, learn from the experience and prepare for the feature, fully make use of the resources and the power of entrepreneurship to achieve good performances in their “ new undertakings”.
   Hushan Sub-district Office is working hard in the “Thousands of cadres’ tailored service for thousands of enterprises” program to achieve the leapfrog development in service industry. The office will fully make use of the service platform to find ways to help enterprises solve problems. Hushan Sub-district Office allocated special funds to support the service industry. The funds totaled 2 million. Meanwhile, the sub-district office also organized such activities as “Top 10 trading companies”, “Star companies in trading services” and “ Economic development hero” to help companies build confidence in their transformation and upgrading.
 Xu Jiang, deputy director of Hushan Sub-district Office, put that they have set up a management office this year to further optimize the development environment of the service industry. Chengguan( urban management officers), market supervision office, safety supervision office and the local police office will co-administer the area to maintain the good urban image, public safety and better market order. Hushan Sub-district Office will work hard to effectively enhance the image of CBD cluster to ensure the steady and healthy development of the service industry.

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