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Yinzhou District ranks No.1 again for late rice yield

News came from the Agriculture Guinness Office of Zhejiang Department of Agriculture that after the real-cut acceptance by related rice experts, the 120-mu single season late rice demonstration field by the Nanrui Grain & Machine Professional Cooperative from Dongqiao Town won the first place in Zhejiang Province in terms of single-season late rice yield, with an average yield per mu of 933.9 kilograms.

This year's acceptance calculate the final yield per mu by randomly choosing three pieces of field and cut the samples by the cutting machines and distract the standard moisture content. According to rice experts from Yinzhou District Agricultural Technology Station, the 120-mu demonstration field adopts the "Ningbo Superior 12" as the major variety and applies such high-production cultural techniques for the super-rice as advance seed-sowing, strong shoots cultivation, short shoot transplanting, thin planting, spike rate increase, soil testing and formulated fertilization and integrated pest management.   

In spite of the No.1 rank, the average yield of 933.9 kilograms is still a bit short of the 963.65 kilograms, a high national record set by Yinzhou District in 2012.

According to Huang Guoyang, Director of Zhejiang Provincial Technology Promotion Center, this high yield is still a miracle in such a year severely affected by various natural disasters. Yinzhou District has yet again written a new page of high rice yield.

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