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Ningbo to promote construction of financial ecological demonstration zone

It is learned from the municipal Financial Work meeting that in 2015 Ningbo will actively promote the construction of the financial ecological demonstration zone by accelerating the growth of financing volume and structural transformation, strengthening support to agriculture and maintain the stability of finance.

The work focus of the financial industry in Ningbo will be put on the expansion of financial scope and the optimization of financial structure in 2015. "By strengthening both internal and external financing, we will promote the financing growth and structural transformation." said a person in charge from Ningbo central branch of the People's Bank of China.

In terms of the development of the generally beneficial finance, Ningbo will construct the mobile financial public service platform, launch the pilot of such comprehensive financial services as mobile banking and mobile crediting, and exploit the feasible way to solve the financing problems for small and micro enterprises through mobile financing. With regard to the support to agriculture, Ningbo will realize a 100% coverage of financial services in all administrative villages, encourage qualified financial institutions to issue "three agricultural" financial bonds, and actively promote the new pattern of supporting agriculture with credit and loans.

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