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3000 Volunteers Serve for Rail Transit Passengers in Ningbo

“I volunteer to serve for Ningbo rail transit. I will do the utmost to fulfill my duties, providing best services to make a green and civilized rail transit for passengers.” –A special swearing-in ceremony of volunteers was held on the morning of May 18 in Yinghua Station of Ningbo Rail Transit Line I (phase I).

At 9 am May 18, there were volunteers in red vest standing at the entrance and exit of the subway to guide the passengers at Fuming Station of Ningbo Rail Transit Line I. “In the past few days, we received centralized training from the director of Lugang Station.” Mei Yike, a junior student from Ningbo Dahongying University, said that over 600 youth volunteers from her university had played an active part in volunteer works at Ningbo Railway Station and Ningbo International Convention and Exhibition Center. Ms. Shi and her parents-in-law from Dongliu Street also joined the swearing-in ceremony, “as our residence is along the subway line, we should make some contribution to city transportation arteries.”


By the end of April, Ningbo Metro Transportation Group Limited released the volunteer recruitment information for the rail transit. In two weeks’ time, over 600 social volunteers and 1800-plus volunteers from 6 scholars and 2 enterprises had signed up. Meanwhile, as the work extended from construction to operation, 177 volunteers from 3 communities and 13 streets along Line I offered their help. Another 500 volunteers served in the Headquarters and Ningbo Metro Transportation Group Limited. Currently, the total number of volunteers for Ningbo rail transit is close to 3000.

Among those “red vests”, there are retired Party members, white collars in enterprises and highly educated talents such as doctors and masters. It is said that rail transit volunteers are to maintain order, guide ticker purchasing and mediate disputes at the initial operation of the subway.

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