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Ningbo listed in the national Transit City program

The Ministry of Transport of the People's Republic of China recently released the 2nd list of the cities for the transit city program and on the list are Ningbo and other 21 cities. According to the plan of the program, by 2017, Ningbo will initially have a modern public transit system in the central urban area, so that there is a bus stop every 500 meters and the public transit will contribute to 60% of the traffic.

The national transit city program was started in 2011 by the Ministry of Transport. In the year, 15 cities including Beijing, Shenzhen and Dalian were listed as the first group of pilot cities for the program. This year, 28 cities applied for the application for the program.

According to the plan of Ningbo for the implement of the program, by 2017, the rail rapid transit in Ningbo should be 72 km, and it should build 2 or 3 medium rapid transit lines, 5 public transit terminals and 26 transfer facilities of the rail lines and bus lines. By the year, the city should have over 150 bus lines, and build or upgrade junction stations on the main roads and the bus-first crossroads should reach 30%. The city should build, expand and renovate the main roads, rapid roads, the elevated roads and the 50-m-wide roads in urban areas. The city will explore the mechanism for the development of public transit stations.

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