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Ningbo life-long learning public service platform opens

The Ningbo life-long learning public service platform was open on November 8 in Ningbo Broadcasting and TV University, along with the online launching of its core part, "Ningbo life-long learning web". It is said that the web site presents 18,000 periods of courses, covering such ten categories as science and technology, and vocational skills, and are available to citizens for free.

The life-long learning public service platform is an information platform providing supporting services for the citizens' life-long learning, as well as one of the three learning platforms of Ningbo smart education project. Based on the various demands for life-long learning and the current facilities, the platform integrates all the further education and training resources and supporting functions, and supplies the citizens with opportunities for free and convenient life-long learning.

As the core of the platform, the Ningbo life-long learning web ( was launched formally online on November 8. So far, there are over 18,000 periods of courses in such fields as science & technology, and vocational skills. Among them, there are video resources and adult high school courses with Ningbo characteristics provided by the Municipal and county-level Education Bureaus, and the communication area for works has been opened up for citizens to post their learning results in various forms. Just log in the web with real-name registration, every citizen can have his own learning space.

It is reported that the online platform for life-long learning has also integrated various kinds of training webs for further education and a range of life-long learning resources. By providing such functions as video watching, discussion areas and online testing, the platform supplies the learners with such autonomous learning services as recourse searching and learning behavior recording, and such personalized learning services as learning guidance and problem solving, which can meet the citizens' various life-long learning demands for further education, non-certificate training and personalized autonomous learning.

The life-long learning platform mainly aims at vocational education, citizen education and senior people education. It is scheduled to share 6000 periods of quality educational resources in 2013 and 12,000 periods by 2015. In the meanwhile, the life-long learning file and credit bank will be established, as well as the system of learning accumulation, learning achievement application and management for various categories of learning.

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