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Ningbo Library to be relocated in Ningbo Eastern New Town

According to a related department of Ningbo, Ningbo is to take another important step in its construction of cultural facilties. The city has decided to spend 240 million yuan to rebuild Ningbo Library in Ningbo Eastern New Town. The preparation has officially started.

Ningbo Library was built in 1927. The present buildings of the library were built in 1988, with the donated fund of 500 HK dollars by Yue-Kong Pao and 5 million yuan by Ningbo Municipal Government. Then the area of the Library was 8,000 square meters. In 2001 Ningbo Municipal Government put in 21 million yuan to renovate the buildings and expanded the area to 12,000 square meters. With the rapid social and economic development and the constant rise of the number of readers, the present facilities of the library are no long capable of meeting the demand of the readers.

In 2011, the new Ningbo Library was listed in the key projects of Ningbo for the 12th Five-Year-Plan Period. In the Government Work Report 2013, it is decided to be an important task of the year, and the project is put in the agenda. The other day, Ningbo Municipal Government held a symposium for this project. It was decided that the new library should be relocated in Ningbo Eastern New Town, with the planned area 1.6 hectares and the floorage about 30,000 square meters. The investment totals 240 million yuan. At the meeting it was decided that the new library should be harmonious with the neighborhood buildings and with distinct Ningbo features and that the construction should be finished in two years.

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