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Ningbo doctors’ team went to shanghai for experience

Recently, experts and doctors from Ningbo Doctors’ Association, Ningbo Nottingham University, Ningbo Academy of Coastal City Culture went to Shanghai for Ningbo-Shanghai talent cooperation exchange and talk. 
“Shanghai enjoys a noticeable advantage of gathering scientific talents. There is large space for the cooperation between Ningbo and Shanghai”, said Shen Weiqi, the deputy director of Ningbo Doctors’ Association. During the meeting, representatives from Shanghai Young and Middle-aged Intellectuals’ Society and Shanghai Municipal Education and Health Commission system introduced their experience of gathering talents and providing service. It is said that Shanghai Intellectual Association is one of the earliest intellectual groups in China, which has cultivated many leading professional figures in the country.
Professor Yinjie, member of Nnational Political Consultation Committee, counsel of Shanghai Education Bureau and vice president of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Professor Wang Xiaofan from Shanghai Jiaotong University, Professor Fan Tijun from

East China University of Science and Technology put forward their practical advice for inter-discipline study, resources focus and mutual help. They hope both sides can give full play to the advantage of sea port economy of Ningbo and Shanghai, and provide the talents in Ningbo with a platform for international cooperation project.

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