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18th China Fishing Festival held in Xiangshan

On the morning of September 16, the sailing ceremony of the 18th China Fishing Festival was held in Shipu Harbor, Xiangshan, one of the six national fishing harbors. 
Present at the sailing ceremony were Zhang Dengyi, chairman of 4th Pacific Society of China and former director of State Oceanic Administration, Lu Ziyue, deputy party secretary and mayor of Ningbo, Gao Hongbo, vice chairman of China Writers Association, Wan Yawei, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Ningbo and director of the Propaganda Department, Su Limian, vice director of the Standing Committee of People Congress and chairman of Labor Unions, Lin Jingguo, deputy mayor and Wang Bin, representative of State Oceanic Administration. At the sailing ceremony, Lu Ziyue gave orders to start fishing and Lin Jingguo gave a speech on behalf of Ningbo municipal government. 
Since founded in 1998, China (Xiangshan) Fishing Festival, based on its rich fisheries culture, has drawn more and more people to respect oceans by holding festivals, thus promoting the blending of marine culture and marine economy and pushing forward the sound and rapid development of economy and society. After 17 years of experience, China (Xiangshan) Fishing Festival has become an influential cultural and tourist festival at home and abroad. Up to now, it has been awarded more than ten times and got listed in Ten Folk Festivals by China National Tourism Administration. 
Leaders and experts at the sailing ceremony said that ocean is the advantage of Xiangshan and Ningbo, and it is also the hope for future development. Ningbo will continue to exert the advantages of marine resources to build itself into “zhejiang marine economy development demonstration area”. Ningbo will follow the guidance of “harbor economic circle” to promote the development of marine science and technology and marine ecological civilization. With the richest marine resources in Ningbo, Xiangshan has the unique resources and advantage to develop marine economy. In the future, Xiangshan should hold tight of the strategic opportunity of “One Belt and One Road” and “Yangtze River Economic Belt” to build a new economic growth engine and make contributions for Ningbo to become a “strong city with marine economy”.
At around 11 o'clock, art performances began and Shipu became a world of happiness. 
At 12 o'clock on September 16, 2050 fishing ships and carrying boats finish three and a half months and four and a half month’ rest respectively and start out to sea. According to Fishery Department, Ningbo has 5520 fishing ships closing fishing this year. 76 fishing ships started fishing on July 1; 2957 on August 1; 513 on September 1; and the rest on September 16.

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