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Forum on Economic Cooperation of Ningbo and Hong Kong to open in October

According to the organization committee, the Forum on Economic Cooperation of Ningbo and Hong Kong 2013 is to open in Hong Kong from October 15 to 17. 
At the meeting the organization committee made a report of the related information of the forum. It is reported the Forum on Economic Cooperation of Ningbo and Hong Kong 2013 is themed on “Deepen the Practical Cooperation". For the the win-win development, the two parties should expand the fields of cooperation, innovate the way of cooperation, involve the participation of enterprises of the two places, strengthen the cooperation of Ningbo and well-known universities, international companies in Hong Kong and large enterprises in Hong Kong, and substantially improve the cooperation and exchanges of the two places. 
Forum on Economic Cooperation of Ningbo and Hong Kong is an important platform of Ningbo for opening to the outside world. So far, it has run for 11 years. At present, preparations for the forum are going on in an orderly way. 
Hong Jiaxiang, Vice Mayor, attended and spoke at the meeting.

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